Insuring Cannabis Summit: Talking to Clients About Risk Starts with Education

By | December 28, 2020

  • December 28, 2020 at 12:05 pm
    Craig Winston Cornell says:
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    From the article:

    “And then there’s the whole stereotype and prejudice that has to do with your brand, marketing your brand, and creating the credibility and trust that overcomes the negative connotation that cannabis carries with it when it enters a particular neighborhood or a marketplace,” he added.

    What could he possibly be talking about? What negative connotation could come from a product that causes addiction, loss of motivation, mental illness, lowered IQ in young people, paranoia and – according to many people in mental health and law enforcement – higher rates of violence from that same paranoia. Violence that primarily impacts girl friends and wives.

    Who would possibly want to add any additional stigma beyond that?

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