Insurers Seek to Question Abuse Claimants, Lawyers in Boy Scouts Bankruptcy

By | February 22, 2021

  • February 22, 2021 at 3:21 pm
    Agency says:
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    This is a result of people not wanting to offend and because of this, a great organization has been destroyed once again by America’s sick leftist.

  • March 3, 2021 at 2:21 pm
    Gary says:
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    No, a once great organization has been destroyed from within by it’s own insufficient and harmful practices regarding the protection of the young people in it’s programs. That the scavengers are coming out in droves to pick at it when it’s weak doesn’t absolve the Boy Scouts of any of the blame for their current predicament. You can hold the BSA accountable and be concerned about the possibility for massive fraud in this case at the same time, they aren’t mutually exclusive. Blaming this on a political group gets us nowhere, and it sure doesn’t offer any comfort to the men whose lives were ruined by the predators that hid among the ranks of many a scout troop.

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