Boy Scouts’ Lawyers Eye New Reorganization Plan After Criticisms from Abuse Victims

By | April 15, 2021

  • April 15, 2021 at 1:26 pm
    Mr. Integrity says:
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    They should cut their losses and just shut it down. Blame it on the progressive cancel culture agenda, which is like a cancer. From what I remember, the boy scouts used to be an organization for boys committed to growth, learning, and achievement.

    Today it is not just boys, but all genders and sexual orientations, beholden to special interest groups who see it as a bastion of male privilege, and befitting of suburbanites (by today’s definition – whites).

    Another drawn out saga that will only enrich lawyers. Sigh!

    • April 15, 2021 at 2:32 pm
      Mark W. says:
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      This issue has no chance at all for real justice. This is purely about money and how much of the lawyers can recoup. You should see the massive fraudulent abuse of the system with tens of thousands of claims that are completely meritless. Pure money grab. I agree maybe we shut it all down and blame it on the SJWs.

    • April 15, 2021 at 2:42 pm
      Gary Rhodes says:
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      Sure, the BSA’s problems stem from the fact that they let some girls in now and don’t shame the homosexuals anymore. Yeah, that’s exactly what their problem is. It’s not like they turned a blind eye to decades of abuse and are now paying the price or anything like that.

    • April 15, 2021 at 4:52 pm
      Rosenblatt says:
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      “Blame it on the progressive cancel culture agenda,”

      Don’t you just hate it when (checks article) attorneys for child sex abuse victims try to make things harder for pedophiles?

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