Plaintiff Lawyers Accuse Bayer of ‘Pay to Appeal Scheme’ in Roundup Litigation

By | April 23, 2021

  • April 23, 2021 at 2:27 pm
    Mark says:
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    The trial lawyers are complaining about the erosion of justice? They are almost single handedly responsible for the worst erosions of justice. There is no scientific evidence that Roundup causes cancer. There have been literally hundreds of studies done in the US and Europe that have proved this. A small number of cherry picked data have been used to convince a civil jury of non-experts that led to a verdict and the lawyers have pounced on that in attempt to make Roundup the next asbestos. You should see the abuses taking place right now on this. It’s sickening and the trial lawyers are to blame.

  • May 12, 2021 at 10:21 pm
    j willms says:
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    Now its the PLaintiffs Lawyers fault couldn’t possibly be Monsanto/Bayer . Your obviously a paid Bum to get on the internet Clap for Monsanto/Bayer no one else would defend their carnage with out being paid to do it!

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