Oklahoma Governor Signs Identity Theft Bill

June 9, 2004

  • June 10, 2004 at 10:48 am
    Louis Maltos says:
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    It’s about time more and more consumer victims are being wrongfully denied credit and charged. As a credit bureau I know I have had numerous people call me regarding this issue and initially we advised victims to contact the district attorney office this new bill seems to take the action necessary to help victims and is easily accessible. I’d like to see more about the process and how law enforcement will handle this as well as the OSBI

  • June 14, 2004 at 1:53 am
    Joe Bentson says:
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    The identity Theft victim passport is a great idea, however how long will it be until it is forged too ???

    The reason that the victims are going through terrible financial and emotional hell is that it’s now estimated that the average victim has to spend over 600 hours to restore their identity.
    The first time that you do anything new, you make errors.

    Once a victim, you are TEN TIMES more likely to become a victim again and again, as the crooks sell your info to more and more crooks.

    We are getting our Identities stolen by people in the medical field who run tests, work in hospital registration, blood banks, and so many ways that I could probably list 101 common ways to easily lose your Identity.
    Some specialize in deceased people who usually have great credit, accumulated wealth, and all the info that you need is in their obituaries, plus the Morman church web site which has SSN’s 10 days after your death and more info.

    The Insurance commissioner got indicted by a grand jury and the Daily Oklahoman on line edition had a document that you could view online from the court house that had his and his assistant’s DOB and SSN and full legal name,

    Since we can’t prevent ALL ID Theft, we need to focus on RESTORING the victim’s identity.
    ONLY ONE UNIQUE service which I know of will do virtually all the work required to RESTORE a victim’s Identity.
    They will still need to file a police report and maybe appear in court.
    For more details see:

  • July 26, 2004 at 10:49 am
    louis says:
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    there is a new program designed to help against identity fraud and investigate on your behalf. It does cost monthly but may be a valuable tool for consumers.

  • November 30, 2004 at 12:30 pm
    randy dean griffin says:
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    my daughter jane renee (griffin)harrison and her (husband) brian harrison have become victoms of I.D. thieft and pressing charges .in so doing have been I.D.ed by the criminals…through the OKC.police.and are presently recieving DEATH threats.In no way is my daughters name to be made public!!!!!!

  • December 16, 2004 at 7:30 am
    James Baughman says:
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    I have been a victim of Idenity thefy. sometime in 2001 a person rented a home in Oklahoma City at 921 N. Robinson OKC, Ok 73107 right off of N.W. 10th. The owner: Hall & Associates, a law firm in Oklahoma City owned the property. The person they rented to had access to my social and had all the utilities opened in my name of which I did not find out till I went to apply for credit when purchaseing a car. Two years later I have come to find that the person was also pulled over and ticketed for driving without a liceanse. The Oklahoma City Police Officer who issued the ticket, now retired according to the city court clerk, only saw the man declaring himself James Baughman and giving my social to the officer. Since then a warrent was issued in Oklahoma City Municiple center for failure to apprear. That was also over three years ago. Now after being pulled over by an Oklahoma City Police Officer, I was informed for the first time this truth. On Jan 6, 2005 I must appear in motion to dismis the charges and require the law firm to appear with the information regarding the actual tenant of the property. If you can help me in any way I would appreciate it very much.

    Sincerely, James Baughman, Victim of Idenity theft

  • December 16, 2004 at 7:31 am
    James Baughman says:
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    Correction. it is 921 N. Warren

  • March 2, 2005 at 7:13 am
    timothy baliaris says:
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    i got an e-mail from a man named James his e-mail address is njokiruki@wananchi.com he claims that my identity has been stolen.i’d like to know who i could talk to in order to solve this situation.thank you.please do not post this e-mail on your sight.

  • November 17, 2005 at 2:21 am
    Mellie T. Risner says:
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    My family & my oldest son, 7 myself were victums of this now horrible #1 crime thruout the world.There has not been much imfo nor help for people like us in a rural community.Something must be done to send an immediate alert to everyone about the horrah of this crime.

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