Oklahoma Bill Would Allow Health Insurance Sales Across State Lines

April 12, 2017

  • April 12, 2017 at 3:00 pm
    FFA says:
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    I dont understand why politicians think this will lower cost. A Wi Company is not going to go in IL and charge Wi rates. They are going to charge Il rates be competitive.

    No one ever addresses the issues that drive the cost. Issues like the web site and extremely poor customer service.
    In Feb, this web site took away my subsidy. I didn’t catch that and paid my normal premium. The subsidy was there in Jan & March. The rules are clear that I have 90 days grace period for premium payment which I am will and able to do. Instead, the carrier not the market place cant seem to read simple English. My appeal to reinstate was denied. Now, I sit here waiting for a Federal Hearing with out insurance while the carrier sits on my premium.

    And no one cares. My wife needs her RX refilled. I need mine. But yet, the appeals department cant read English and tell the carrier to put my policy back in force.

    How about addressing the poor customer service?

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