Former Texas Agent Gets Life Sentence for Insurance Scam

February 16, 2018

  • February 16, 2018 at 1:42 pm
    Jack Kanauph says:
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    Great! Enjoy jail, dummy. I hope this crook has enough assets to be sold to cover the $810,000 he owes the victims. Gotta admire Texas Justice!

    • February 16, 2018 at 3:30 pm
      Agent says:
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      Texas justice is apparently a lot stiffer than many states. I, too hope at least some of the assets can be recoverd, but he probably gambled it away or spent it on riotous living.

      • February 20, 2018 at 10:31 am
        Fair Playing Field says:
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        Apparently Texas justice is not very swift, however. Gaines was arrested for his big score in 2016, yet managed to stay free for over a year before being arrested again for the same thing in 2017. What gives?

        • February 20, 2018 at 10:51 am
          Confused says:
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          Stop posting them pesky facts — they totally get in the way of Agent’s preconceived opinions!

  • February 16, 2018 at 5:15 pm
    Chris says:
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    How stupid can you be? He didn’t think the family was going to wonder about their inheritance?

  • February 17, 2018 at 10:31 am
    Gork says:
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    You can walk out into the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone – and get less time than if you steal from an insurance company…

    • February 19, 2018 at 4:27 pm
      Agent says:
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      You can walk out on the street in south Chicago and shoot someone and get no time at all.

      • February 20, 2018 at 4:53 pm
        Captain Planet says:
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        So, you can commit an insurance scam and get a life sentence. But, our president believes he wouldn’t lose any voters if he stood in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone. What a crazy world we live in.

        Go ahead, IJ – censor this one, too.

        • February 20, 2018 at 4:59 pm
          Confused says:
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          they already deleted that comment i posted 3 separate times, after i saw they took your original one down. i don’t understand why an actual quote from our current President is grounds for removal of a post here.

          If Andrew decides to remove these two, and he is willing to respond, I hope to learn why quoting the president verbatim is a no-no on this site when other posters are talking about shooting people in other places

          • February 20, 2018 at 7:45 pm
            Andrew G. Simpson says:
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            Because it is off-topic.

          • February 21, 2018 at 9:01 am
            Captain Planet says:
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            Okay, Andrew, but, so is shooting someone in Chicago. That statement is also off-topic. Consistency matters. If Agent wants to bring up his conservative talking point about Chicago, we should be able to respond with the actual verbatim political statement made by POTUS.

          • February 21, 2018 at 9:16 am
            Confused says:
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            Captain’s point is the one I was going for too.

            i get that you don’t have the time or bandwith to monitor every comment section and every post made, but maybe before you delete a reply for being off-topic you read the previous posts to ensure those are not off-topic too?

            when you don’t, the way it seems in this thread is:

            it’s okay to say “You can walk out into the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone – and get less time than if you steal from an insurance company…”

            it’s okay to say “You can walk out on the street in south Chicago and shoot someone and get no time at all.”

            but it’s NOT okay to say “Our current US President said he could “stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody [and not] lose any voters.”

            Either they ALL are off-topic and should ALL be removed or none should be removed at all

          • February 21, 2018 at 11:04 am
            Andrew G. Simpson says:
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            Sorry… Don’t have time for all that monitoring. Just ignore others’ off-topic comments; they are not an invitation to follow.

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