Water Craft Insurer Ordered to Halt Fla. Operations; Agent Faces License Revocation

October 16, 2003

  • February 10, 2009 at 6:54 am
    BRETTLYNN says:
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    How are they getting away with this???? I was referred by the boat dealership in 2004, and I never realized the truth about IWSF until I began doing research on them after I put in for a claim and got completely DENIED! I am now aware that this insurance coverage is known to be fraudulent through out the nation. Somehow, they have been stealing my money since I purchased my boat in “04.” I thought was covered the whole time and I was NOT. I am not willing to let this go any further and I am going to continue to fight these illegal acts are continuing. Beware of IWSF!!!!!!!!!!

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