Fla., Ga. Regulators Warn Consumers of Multi-state Scam

By | September 28, 2006

  • September 28, 2006 at 2:07 am
    Eric Miller says:
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    Thanks to MAG Mutual for notifying us immediately on this scheme. We sent out a confidential bulletin to all Florida law enforcement so we can coordinate our efforts in suppressing this attempt to defraud citizens.
    E. Miller, Director
    FL Division of Insurance Fraud

  • October 2, 2006 at 11:13 am
    BJT says:
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    You deposit the check they send you…then, you turn around and send them a check? Wouldn\’t \”red flags\” be going up all over the place if you are required to send anybody a check for a contest, raffle, lottery, etc.??? People actually sent checks? Am I missing a piece of the puzzle here? How could anyone not know this is a scam if the contestant is required to send money? Clue #1.

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