Fla. Emergency Rule Would Freeze Insurers’ Moves Until June

By | January 31, 2007

  • January 31, 2007 at 9:11 am
    DDT says:
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    I like the states way of putting this…

    State Farm insureds will see a 7% reduction in premiums state wide. It\’s not until State Farm confirms that they already got a 50% increase approved in 2006 that you see the truth.

    State Farm insureds are only going to get hit with a 39.5% increase state wide thanks to this new bill.

    And then if there are cat storms and the prediction for 2007 is a heavier than normal hurricane season, then these same insured will be assessed cat surcharges.

    Why not bite the bullet and let the free market work. Those in high risk areas should pay for their own exposures.

  • January 31, 2007 at 1:04 am
    Hugo Sanchez says:
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    Comrade Crist has determined that is must stronger than those weak capilistic pigs that would charge too much to fellow comrades.

    It is by great leadership such as his that he is able to ensure that the proliteriot
    is able to maintain it\’s strength to find the bandits that would part from them there hard earned accomodations.

    more power to this great and powerful man of vision. In the same league with our esteemed comrades such as Marx, Lenin and Stalin.

  • January 31, 2007 at 1:09 am
    TBM says:
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    I want to see how Crist is going to spin the rate increases and assesments that are going to happen the first quarter of 2008. All he is doing is delaying the inevitable. If he thinks he can control the insurance companies rates, he is a fool.

  • January 31, 2007 at 2:43 am
    temblor says:
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    Because politics overrides common sense every time. If we have a bad season, we all will have to pay for the shortfall from Citizen\’s, the cat fund, and the guaranty fund, even though I live 8 miles from the coast in a house that has been fully fortified against hurricanes.

    You don\’t her them saying anything about the supposed program to give matching funds up to $5,000 to help strengthen homes. They have $350 million to spend on this program, but the house has to be inspected first, and a report issued with recommended improvements. The state will pay for 50% of the improvements up to $5,000.

    In the last year they inspected 12,000 homes. Not one report has been issued. And if you go ahead and make improvements before they issue the report, they won\’t pay 50%.

    Making buildings storm resistant is the ONLY answer to the problem, but do you see Crist pushing that program?

  • January 31, 2007 at 2:43 am
    gill fin says:
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    June is the perfect time for such a
    sleight of hand maneuver – long enough from now that most will forget, but still not hurricane season. By that time the masses will remember he did something… but cant quite remember what it was. But he must be good since he DID
    do something…I think. It was for us, wasnt it? I think.

  • January 31, 2007 at 2:50 am
    Citizens client says:
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    So we have a market where no one wants to write anything but the best of the best; so you make it even more unattractive by not allowing any rate changes, cancels or nonrenewals? And Citizens can compete now? Where do I go to buy stock in Citizens – if they don\’t turn a profit they just asses the innocent. Brilliant!

  • January 31, 2007 at 3:20 am
    Garboage says:
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    Whenever there is any doubt, check.

  • January 31, 2007 at 3:20 am
    aunti everything says:
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    He will blame it on the #!!$% insurance companies. They are the ones billing the huge amounts that will be required to cover the negative amounts in Citizens and all the other guarantee funds. The last I knew, the surcharges for all these cat funds could be as much as 74% of the company premium. We are wearing big targets on us and he is a great shot.

  • January 31, 2007 at 4:18 am
    Puzzled says:
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    So the state fund (Citizens?), which is close to inslovency, is going to sell reinsurance? And when the big one hits, and they become inslovent, who then to foot the bill? Insurance company executives, please read carefully your reinsurance contract with the state. Please see Mississipi and Louisiana for interpretations on contract language, because \”it depends on what your definition of is is\”.

  • January 31, 2007 at 4:54 am
    Mark says:
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    Crist has requested a rate roll-back for a company, Citizens, that is over $1 billion in debt! Additionally, has he forgotten that the third largest carrier in Florida, POE Financial Group, was declared insolvent in July 2006. He\’s reckless and has no business trying to lower insurance rates with his tactics. Ultimately, he\’ll do more harm than good.

  • February 1, 2007 at 6:14 am
    Hugo Sanchez says:
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    You capitilists worry too much! If the wonderfully efficient system of governmental insurance beinsg established for the proliteriot by comrade crist should fail then the other comrades in the 49 other states should be happy to step up and help a fellow comrade in need.

    Remember the old saying from the great leader Lenin. \”From each according to ability, to each according to need\”.

    Floridians just happen to have less ability than other comrades and they have much more need than others. They are a weak and helpless bunch worthy of being bailed out by federal cat fund.

  • February 1, 2007 at 6:21 am
    Anonymous says:
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    I would compare him more to Ceasar, a small man looking for a lot of attention,
    to be used to his advantage when he runs for President on his national health care plan.

  • April 9, 2007 at 9:07 am
    dd50 says:
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    What happened with this article as I have been cancelled. Reduction??? What is that.

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