Fla. Agents Warn Consumers State-Backed Citizens Not Always Wise

September 27, 2007

  • September 27, 2007 at 7:30 am
    gill fin says:
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    exceeded income, and for some reason they could not get rate adequate. Was it because building code was inadequate or not followed, leading to greater frequency or severity? Was it because the commissioner would not approve rate increases that would allow insurers to serve consumers with a product that was sustainable? Kathy, you make it sound like the only losers in that scenario are the poor folks who are now getting screwed by citizens socialist insurance. It hurts a lot of other folks too.
    I cannot think of any government agency I can call today that makes me feel like I am getting good service. And you want the
    government to sell insurance instead of allowing private enterprise to charge the correct amount? Has it occurred to you that maybe on the coast of Florida it is not smart to continue to develop? Who’s dumbed down?

  • September 27, 2007 at 12:19 pm
    gill fin says:
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    over the computer, and through the mail. Do it long enough and at the end those care not carriers have convinced enough people that its so easy, a caveman can do it. My industry has so dumbed down my product that even government officials think they are smart enough to do it. Help people? Give me a break. Now I have to go – I think Michael Moore just walked by my office. I’m going to spray paint graffiti on his back side and see if he notices.

  • September 27, 2007 at 2:35 am
    concerned agent says:
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    you are so right when you said that now government officials think they are smart enough to know what is going on. If a government official knew anything the first thing he/she would know is that working for government dumbs you down to the idiot level very quickly. Any smart govt. worker would realize this, quit, and go into private industry where his intelligence would be rewarded.

  • September 27, 2007 at 5:58 am
    Kathy says:
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    Apparently neither of you live in Florida! The reason Citizens grew so large is because of you “dummed down insurers” who dropped all the policies.

  • September 27, 2007 at 6:09 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    because homes burned down with half the coverage they needed. Being sued because folks needed flood and didnt have it. And the government is supposed to be better than those of us whose livelihood depends on doing it right? Are there agents who don’t understand their market and therefore don’t insure folks properly?
    Sure there are. And the way to weed them out is let the marketplace put them in their place. But those of us who still find property and casualty insurance INTERESTING and VALUABLE TO OUR CLIENTS should always have a job. Quality never goes out of style, whether its for insurance or muffler repair. And enough people still demand quality so we will never be out of work. That is, unless we give it away by taking it for granted.
    Unless we allow ourselves to become distracted by less important activities.

  • September 28, 2007 at 9:10 am
    lrw says:
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    where are the highly capitalized and rated companies? citizens insureds wont be dealing with figa for their 50%contents of 10% loss of use and many of the resticions on the cpic policy where developed by the private industry first. Now cpic is thinking of reducing or eliminating screening coverage. Who invented that Mr. Grady??? Coverage vs Security vs premium. An agent should present all three sides of the coin.

  • September 28, 2007 at 10:35 am
    SWFL Mark says:
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    What a great point Irw. It’s great for Mr.Grady to point out the shortfalls of the Citizens policy but the fact is that “traditional” markets are writing very little if at all. The small carriers that are writing aren’t providing much more coverage or options that Citizens. Why should they? It would be great to have the options of providing animal liability, jewelry floaters, increased personal liability, increased replacement cost on dwelling, etc., but it’s not always available.

    The fact is, in the event of a large disaster, all of these small, Fla based carriers, will be standing in line with the Citizens bunch to acquire help from outside adjusting firms to settle claims. That is where the service will break down and consumers will lose. While there’s no argument that Crist has made problems worse for all of us in the state, could it be that, in the event of a large natural disaster, that he’ll “bird dog” the Citizens staff just to save face? If that were the case, then a Citizens policy might be the best of two evils.

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