16 Alabama Federal Judges Step Aside from Scruggs Contempt Case

November 19, 2007

  • November 19, 2007 at 9:42 am
    Whitmore says:
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    “It’s adversarial all around us, Toto! Even in Kansas it’s like this”! It’s not the meek who will inherit the earth; nor the guys with the slide rules. It’s the one who “knows the rules” and not necessarily those with silver tongues! Those of us without such knowledge will always cry out FOUL!!!!. Trent Lott…who is in a most advantegeous position of POWER…got the unroyal treatment from SF. Even if he’s flat out wrong, he’s got many more POWERFUL friends, I dare say, than the commentators, including myself, on this blog. Just like the US Congress, the current Administration, and the politicized US Supreme Court — nothing is going to get done, except more bloodshed. This is what we are funding for the long haul on this issue. hold on to your skivvies and get ready for another SHOWTIME! So the next time you see a PRODUCTIVE MEMBER of society, like those whose only “rule” is to work hard, live from day-to-day eeking out a livin’, making ends meet, such as bricklayers, roofers, lawn maintenence people, factory workers, ethical school teachers and insurance adjusters, waiters/waitresses, bakers, truckers — please take your hats off to them, and say, “Hey, how you doing Podner? Good day to you. You’re a sight for sore eyes!”

  • November 19, 2007 at 9:46 am
    wudchuck says:
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    sounds like he complied if he was supposed to give it to an law enforcement official…attorney general is supposed to uphold the law and prosecute as accordingly…so why not allow him since he would have need of those documents to prosecute…more than likely the judge was going to give the documents back to state farm w/o a wink of it being possibly wrongdoing against a policyholder…besides, what makes you think they did not make a copy of the documents — and even got them notorized to ensure credibility….

  • November 19, 2007 at 1:43 am
    Bill says:
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    Compliant? The federal judge asks for all documents to be returned, but instead of giving them to the judge he gives them to his buddy the AG, who just happens to also be prosecuting State Farm? How is that compliant? I hope everyone involved with Scruggs is disbarred!

  • November 19, 2007 at 1:51 am
    Charles says:
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    How many of these judges have taken money from Scruggs before they become Federal judges?

  • November 19, 2007 at 2:22 am
    Katrina Follower says:
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    What you may not understand is that AG Hood already had a copy of these documents that he was given about 6 months earlier by either the Rigsby sisters (who by the way were on Scruggs payroll) or by Scruggs firm. Is there a reason that they needed a 2nd copy, which just happened to be the copy that the Judge ordered Scruggs to return to SF?

  • November 19, 2007 at 2:58 am
    Pogo says:
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    This is a pathetic example of how far the legal system has sunk. A scumbag plaintiff attorney has 16 judges wrapped around his filthy little finger alleging they can’t be objective? What’s even more alarming is that 16 judges agreed with him. Louisiana is a cess pool or corruption.

  • November 19, 2007 at 3:04 am
    Jimbo says:
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    You act as though you are an expert on all subject in IJ. Quit writing, it makes you look like even more of an idiot.

  • November 19, 2007 at 3:30 am
    LA Man says:
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    FYI, Scruggs is a MS lawyer not Louisiana…..but we do have our sharks too!

  • November 19, 2007 at 4:51 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    The judges are just as suspaect as the lawyers for they are lawyers. Do you think for a second that they would not rule in favor of their comrade and friend, if given the chance? Even the ultimate judge to hear the case will be biased against Scruggs. I do not take up for any of the parties, only acknowledge that lawyers, regardles of the side they represent, are not to be trusted.

  • November 20, 2007 at 10:18 am
    Mark says:
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    Amen, Whitmore!!!

  • November 26, 2007 at 1:23 am
    Russell says:
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    It is amazing how all of you State Farm Inusrance Industry loving Kool Aid drinkers cannot see the forest for the trees regarding State Farm’s despicable conduct regarding Katrina claims. Trent Lott, Scruggs brother in law and defender of the insurance industry for 30 plus years and now a Scruggs client, is now on record indicating that the industry’s anti-trust exemption should be abolished because of its consistent bad conduct in handling claims to the detriment of policy holders just not for Katrina claims but claims in general as it makes record profits. Bush went on TV after the hurricane and said he looked forward to sitting on the porch swing of Lott’s destroyed home after it was rebuilt. Well, he still ain’t sitting on that swing. Thank God for attys like Scruggs who take on that type of David and Goliath fight on his own dime with no guarantee of getting paid. Those of you, like Trent Lott before you, that demonize attys like Scruggs will be the first ones running to him when one of the major carriers try to screw you like they have done to untold hundreds of thousands. Those of you that want Scruggs and other “pond scum” attys to be disbarred and wish them misfortune in trying to get State Farm and the other carriers to do what they promised to do when that insurance contract was signed, should take a pledge right now that you will not hire an atty when you are screwed over by your insurance company when you need to submit a claim. You won’t do it because you, just as Tent Lott is now, are hypocrits with blinders on as to what the insurance industry is all about. Don’t believe me, just ask a defender of the industry for 30 years, Trent Lott. If one of the 100 most powerful men in the world, a U.S. Senator, can’t get fair service on an insurance claim, how does your average consumer ever have a chance? And if its a claim worth less than $50,000 good luck getting any atty involved. The industry knows this and that is who they really take advantage of. It is a national disgrace and the untold dirty little secret. One of these days it will catch up to the industry and there will be hell to pay. Propaganda only goes so far and one of these days consumers will rise up get mad as hell and pass some laws that finally obligate the industry to do what it promises to do when that insurance contract is made. Until that takes place, thank God for Atty Scruggs and attorneys like him.

  • November 26, 2007 at 1:51 am
    wudchuck says:
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    “is now on record indicating that the industry’s anti-trust exemption should be abolished because of its consistent bad conduct….”

    where is it said that the insurance industry is a anti-trust? if anything, major league baseball is! anti-trust? this is why there is a competitive market. and most companies do not have that big of a profit margin. if so, then you had better look at the oil industry. why do we see them always making the $$$$ and the little fellas’ like us have to pay big bucks for the gas. bad conduct – sounds like we need to take their ball away til they play the game correctlly. but that does not mean we have to revoke any status.

  • November 26, 2007 at 4:37 am
    Whitmore says:
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    Whew! OOooowee! Look out for the machetes! ‘Dem’s fightin’ words! Sounds like ” ’60 Minutes” stuff to me. I do agree with the comment about attorneys, (my words)..”They are hated until they are needed”. As to this “antitrust” stuff…I need an MBA for that one! Oh, by the way, Trent Lott is retiring at the end of the year. And it does not have to do with Health reasons. He claims it’s more likely to be OLD AGE. I wonder how that is going to affect his influence against the State Farm?

  • November 26, 2007 at 5:34 am
    Russell says:
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    The only reason attys may be “hated” is that Corporate America does its darndest to tarnish the image of attorneys. Most people have NEVER had a bad experience with an attorney or have been the victim of a “frivilous” lawsuit but if you believe the corporate press people think that frivilous law suits are the norm and not the exception. Shakespere said “kill all of the lawyers” in the context of allowing the Republic to trample over people’s rights. 90% of what you hear about lawyers is false and it is false for a reason–to allow corporate amercia to play in its own sandbox without having to comply with any rules or regulations. The most glaring example of this propaganda is the “Stella Awards” allegedly given out every year for the top 10 most outrageous lawsuits filed. Google it and you will see for yourself. Now google “snoops” and find out the truth. The facts of those “lawsuits” are outrageous and are meant to get people upset at our systme of justic eand at attys. All one has to do however is to dig a little deeper and you will find out that none of those lawsuits were ever filed and the stories are false. This country is run by corporations with absolutely no oversight by the current administration. But not for the presence of attys (yes, who sometimes get paid well but never in the same pay scale neighborhood of even middle management of the insurance industry as confirmed by the fact that you never see an atty in the Forbes 400 list) the Enron debacle would be repeated over and over again as the pockets of the middle class would be picked clean. Instead of the public getting unfairly upset with attys who they shd be upset with is the CEOs like the Home Depot CEO who just got 200 million–thats 200 hundred– for leaving after causing the stock to drop 25% on his watch or the outgoing CEO of Chevron who just got 400 million for overseeing the raping of the public with $100 oil. The Chamber of Commerce is on record indicating they will spend 100 million this yr alone to make the laws in all 50 states more “corporate friendly”. Do you think they are spending that money in the best interests of the consumer? Attacking attys by saying lies about attys long enough and loud enough allows the corporate governance to detract attention from their attempt to make unfettered profits, consumers be damned. The sooner we all realize this better for our mutual well being.

  • November 27, 2007 at 4:49 am
    Mark says:
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    You, sir, are an idiot.

  • November 27, 2007 at 5:15 am
    Russell says:
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    Mark, great, insightful comment. How long did you work on that? I must assume that your vocabulary is limited to guteral grunts and groans. Let me guess, you are one of the Kool Aid drinkers. Let me also guess that you think President Bush is one of the best presidents that we have ever had and that Brownie is still doing a “heck of a job”.

  • November 28, 2007 at 1:42 am
    Whidmore says:
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    I once raised my arm in an English class to volunter an answer to a question. The instructor picks me and I answered, “yes, Rip Van Winkle was a fool”. The instructor requested I support my “yes” answer. I responded, “Yes” is my answer and I don’t think I need to support my answer. The entire class broke out in laughter after the instructor said, “That’s right, you can’t think!”. A “yes” or “no” will not make it in my class. Now Mark, won’t you please enlighten us with why you feel the way you do about Russell. Russel laid out his reasons. Do you think that you are able to do the same. THINK!

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