West Virginia Eyes Suing Wall St. Firms over State Losses

By | October 6, 2008

  • October 6, 2008 at 7:56 am
    Ken says:
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    I am not at all surprised as this State holds the #1 position of all the States for Lawsuits and WV.also has the record for being the least attractive to to New Business and from this article the sue sue mentality starts at the very top.
    The breakdown on Wall-Street is a breakdown of responsiblity from the Mortgage Companies to homeowners buying homes they could not afford but the greatest cause was by the Democratic party forcing loan companies to make loans that they knew were going to have problems with and by the way ACORN was one of those groups applying pressure to these banks and Barrack Obama was a active participant in ACORN.

  • October 6, 2008 at 1:47 am
    Exadjuster says:
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    “I want somebody to pay,” Manchin said.”

    Uh, 819 billion Mr Manchin; we’re ALL paying.

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