Florida State Senator Urges Insurance Chief McCarty to Resign

By | May 26, 2009

  • May 26, 2009 at 12:35 pm
    Charley Crissed says:
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    1. Hard to believe that a politician would go back on his word.
    2. Too much government! McCarty has a spokesperson? What could he possibly be doing all day?
    3. What does it really matter if Charley signs the bill. At best it keeps State Farm and maybe draws in some more national carriers; at worst consumers will decide not to buy the higher priced policies. What’s is the big deal? Unless McCarty thinks Floridians are too dumb to decide on their own, so they need to take the option away.

  • May 26, 2009 at 12:38 pm
    Arthro says:
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    After reading the letter, I’d be ticked off at McCarty, too. Sounds like he is playing both sides of the fence on this and Bennett called him on it. Bennett sought his help to craft the bill, then McCarty tells the governor to veto it?

    McCarty needs to go for a lot of reasons. Primarily, the property insurance market in Florida is an absolute mess. That’s because of McCarty and Crist. Crist is looking to jump to the Senate, so he won’t be around when the Cat Fund falls apart after the next hurricane. Before that happens, we need a fix to this mess.

    Florida needs to have an insurance commissioner who can work with legislators and insurance companies on a viable solution. McCarty’s record of smacking around companies like State Farm and Allstate and others makes him an obstacle to a property insurance fix for Florida.

    McCarty needs to go.

  • May 26, 2009 at 12:54 pm
    Consumer says:
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    Shocking, just shocking.

  • May 26, 2009 at 1:29 am
    No Friend of Crist says:
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    When is McCarty ever in Florida? Everytime I read the news, he’s in D.C. pushing for national legislation on catastrophe insurance. He screwed up Florida’s cat fund; what makes him an expert to help craft a national fund?

    I am all for protecting the consumer. But as an insurer I have never seen a state with so many hoops to jump thru – even for surplus lines! Even Texas and Louisiana aren’t as difficult (and that’s saying a mouthful)!

    If Crist failes to sign the bill (but does not veto it) it will become law on June 30th (60 days after Sine Die).

  • May 26, 2009 at 1:47 am
    Steve says:
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    Institute a rolling 10-year excess profits tax on property insurers. Let their profitability take into account an extended period during which both years with and without catastrophe losses get accumulated into an overall figure. While the number of years may be different to reflect the state’s cat experience, creating an environment that allows carriers to make above average profit during the in between years will provide an environment equitable to both companies and consumers.

  • May 26, 2009 at 3:29 am
    fed up consumer says:
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    why does Gov. Chuck keep such a dishonest individual on the state payroll? is it because the Gov is also dishonest when it comes to home insurance?

  • May 27, 2009 at 8:04 am
    Sean says:
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    Time to the rid the state of political football with the insurance companies

  • May 27, 2009 at 8:35 am
    Frank says:
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    McCarty, appointed under the theory that an appointed commissioner would keep politics out of regulation, is in reality, a far-left political hack who interjects politics into his job at every opportunity. I am convinced he understands little about the free market and less about rate making. Take a hike McCarty.

  • May 27, 2009 at 4:04 am
    just me says:
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    You are correct, but he gets to not veto it and not sign it… then it goes into law and he can claim he never supported it… and try to blaim others for all outcomes. If posative, he will claim he never vetoed it and he deserves all the credit… what a ?>!

  • May 27, 2009 at 6:28 am
    JD says:
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    I agree with Senator Bennett for all the reasons he has stated. In addition Mr. McCarty has been, in my opinion, combative and confrontational and therefore highly ineffective in almost all his dealings with the insurance industry. The current capacity issues of the property insurance market in the State of Florida can be, in part, directly attributed to both McCarty and Crist. If the public was helped to understand all the ill concieved deals they have made to hide the fact the state is in real danger of a major breakdown McCarty may have already been sent packing. This is the trouble when you allow politicians to run a business. They are not business people they are politcians. My father always said, “If a deal isn’t good for both of us, it isn’t good for either of us”. Well thank you Messrs. Crist and McCarty. While you have been focused on winning votes and your next political appointments you’ve abondoned and failed the people you were elected to serve. You’ll leave a legacy all Floridinas will be paying for years.

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