North Carolina Assisted Living Center Owners Avoid $1.2 Million Liability

February 3, 2010

  • February 3, 2010 at 1:50 am
    Little Frog says:
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    If this stands, why should anyone ever buy insurance? Just paper over & lease, liquidate and reinstate! It’s the nuclear option of tort reform.

  • February 3, 2010 at 2:46 am
    DS says:
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    “North Carolina long-term care centers aren’t required to carry liability insurance”

    Is it just me or is that a scary thought? Anyone know if this is the exception or the rule as far as other state laws go?

  • February 4, 2010 at 11:07 am
    Larry says:
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    Most states have a requirement for assisted living facilities to carry liability (GL/PL).

    Why would anyone put their loved ones in a Home without properly vetting the facility to see that they were well maintained and well operated. NC is not a horribly letigious state (ie, Cook County, IL; Alabama; Mississippi). I use to underwrite the GL/PL for health care facilities and the rates in NC were lower than the national average.

    Would you take your kid to a daycare that does not carry the proper insurance?

    Would you hire a contractor to do work on your home that does not carry the proper insurance?

    Do your due dilligence and you can feel better about the other party running a sound operation that is doing things the right way.

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