South Carolina Eyes Lawsuit Limits to Help Economy

February 4, 2010

  • February 4, 2010 at 11:44 am
    STREETLAW says:
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    These limits are unconstitutional The Supreme Court of Illinois has thrown out such leglislation and I hope those who have the time research this and ensure the same thing happens in SC.

    The court held that the damage cap violates the Illinois constitution’s “separation of powers” doctrine by infringing on courts’ prerogative to determine appropriate damages in cases.

    I see no reason why this should be any less the case in South Carolina.

  • February 5, 2010 at 8:00 am
    Ike says:
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    Limitations on jury awards lower premiums?! Sure, just like insurance reform lowered premiums in SC. It didn’t happen! Never forget…there is no honor among thieves. They’ll praise your legislation, Mr Legislator, and then sock it to you, Mr. Businessman, with even higher premiums. Just like AIG (a property and casualty insurance company) came to the taxpayer with it’s hand out, got billions and then had the audacity to pay ridiculous bonuses to those who caused their failure. They’re all laughing at us as they pilot their great white yachts down the intracoastal waterway with their wrinkled wives by their sides!

  • February 5, 2010 at 8:08 am
    Moosh says:
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    What does AIG and bonus payouts have to do with this issue anyway?
    Not sure if this proposed reform would have anything more than a psycological affect on the situation as large awards are always isolated. It’s just SC trying to get off the bottom of the rankings. I was there yesterday. Lot’s of billboards and commmercials for Personal Injury Lawyers.

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