Kentucky Bill Would Allow Christian Ministry’s Medi-Share Plan

By | September 3, 2012

  • September 18, 2012 at 10:15 am
    simon says:
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    Medi-share is indeed a unique program for providing assistance with medical care, but unlike health insurance programs this route uses blatant discrimination to prevent certain individuals from benefiting from its service. specifically points out that only those engaging in sexual intercourse within a “Christian” marriage are allowed to join. This immediately eliminates gay, lesbian, and transgender individuals from enrolling in Medi-share. The program also places limits on services it covers based upon religious beliefs and states specifically that abortions will not be covered under any circumstance.

    To be clear, Medi-share is not an insurance program. Medi-share operates as a non-profit group and while members pay into a group fund each month, the money is never Medi-share’s money. Furthermore, Medi-share is not required to pay any bill, nor keep cash reserves on hand.

    These are important Questions to ask when talking to someone from Mei-Share.

    Is Medi-Share Health Insurance
    Will I be covered if Medi-share runs out of money
    Are pre existing conditions covered/Shared
    Is Autism covered/Shared
    If I smoke tobacco am I covered/Shared
    Out of the monthly amount that I pay to Medi-share each month what percentage goes to administrative cost and how much goes towards paying other believers medical bills.
    What kind of accountability is in place to make sure medical bills are being paid by Medi-share on time each month
    If this is a Christian ministry will you tell me what administrative personnel like the president of Medi-Share makes per year
    Do the people that sell me Medi-Share make a percentage of money for selling me the Medi-Share program, and if so could that be looked at as a conflict of interest
    Do I have two be a believer in Jesus Christ in order to be in this program
    Does Medi-share have a board of directors, and if so who are they
    Is Medi-Share in any legal battles right now

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