Florida Youth Activist Urges Industry to Step Up Fight Against Climate Change

By | June 2, 2017

  • June 2, 2017 at 8:10 am
    David says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    The climate changes. It has been doing it for billions of years. There is absolutely zero evidence that mankind has anything to do with climate change. Therefore, trying to stop mother nature from doing what it does is a very, very bad idea.
    We have not fully come out of the “mini ice age” we have been in for several hundred years. We are still 1 degree below global average. We are also a couple degrees below where we were during the medieval warming trend that caused the greatest expansion of mankind in history.
    So no, we should not fight climate change. We should except it as part of our planets natural course.

    • June 2, 2017 at 11:45 am
      SWFL Agent says:
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      But we do have an affect on the environment (and Mother nature). Correct? Example – removing mangrove from shorelines that are habitats for fisheries, polluting water, cutting trees that provide homes & cover for birds & ground animals, air pollution (Chinese know about this), plastics in the oceans and more. It’s just that in your scientific opinion the effects we have on the environment don’t have an effect on the climate. I guess I could buy that but we’ll never know. At least not for a long time. The damage we create to the environment are viewed by some to influence the climate or while others believe the climate is going through a normal cycle. Unfortunately when the day comes that we know the answer it will be too late to reverse some of the damage. But we’ll be able to control the climate in the dome cities we live in and I just hope the fishing’s good in there!

      • June 2, 2017 at 1:35 pm
        wayne smith says:
        Well-loved. Like or Dislike:
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        Science isn’t up to an “opinion” or consensus. Science is science. It is fact. Calling man-made global warming “settled science” is laughable.

        • June 5, 2017 at 1:24 pm
          mr opinion says:
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          LOL. You could not be more wrong. You clearly never took any advanced science courses. Before becoming a businessman I studied aerospace engineering. In one of my first advanced physics courses the professor explained how much of science is based on guess work. I don’t have 30 min to take you through the lecture, but suffice to say, science is all guess work, supported by results and data then repeated until the same result occurs enough times to generate confidence. You can keep throwing alternative theories all you like. When 97% of climate scientists all get the same results from the data, the argument is pretty much over. There wasn’t 97% agreement on the world being round either. Eventually someone will achieve the climate-change-equivalent of flying out of the atmosphere and taking a picture. Until then, you keep believing the world is flat.

          • June 8, 2017 at 7:10 am
            PolarBeaRepeal says:
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            Psst: ‘Climate Scientist’ is a title used by scientists who believe man can SIGNIFICANTLY affect the Earth’s climate. So, I would expect 97% of them to believe in man-caused climate change. The key question is: why do 3% of those who previously believed man causes climate change no longer believe so?

            ‘Scientist’ includes ‘Climate Scientists and MANY more scientists who do NOT believe man significantly affects global climate.

            97% of teachers teach. 97% of farmers farm. 97% of pro baseball players play pro baseball. 97% of polar bears eat fresh caught fish. 97% of something means / implies 3% of something does not ‘whatever’…

  • June 2, 2017 at 9:07 am
    GO Bulls says:
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    When did the University of South Florida move from Tampa to Miami as it did according to this article?

    I must have missed that, but maybe that is the point of the article that climate change will cause Tampa to be the new Miami.

  • June 2, 2017 at 11:07 am
    V says:
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    Would Insurance Journal be publishing from a Florida Youth Activist, that took David’s factual opinion above? Why are they giving this and other hysterical articles, such play?
    So the solution fed to this youth by her teachers and parents is solar? Is she not aware that the sun does not always shine and that fossil fuels are required as a back up? Is she not aware how expensive solar is and that the solar industry regularly has billion dollar bankruptcies even with billion dollar tax subsidies?
    Is she not aware that the US barely has any manufacturing left and this would be the death knell of what remains and along with that the few good blue collar jobs that remain?

    • June 2, 2017 at 1:16 pm
      Jack says:
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      Because most of the people writing for them have had this crap shoved down their throats by liberal professors for years.

      When people wake up to the fact it’s simply a transfer of wealth scam from the USA to the poor nations of the world it will be too late.

  • June 2, 2017 at 1:34 pm
    wayne smith says:
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    The same group that thinks we can’t control or border and stop illegal immigration thinks we can control the sun, moon, clouds, ozone, etc. Sure…

    • June 2, 2017 at 1:42 pm
      Jack says:
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      The same group that own 3 mansions around the world, fly from home to home, have 6-10 cars, a yacht, then spoon feed this crap to the useful idiots. Yep…that group!

  • June 2, 2017 at 1:56 pm
    FLagent/Ins says:
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    I just cant get a lesson for something like this from a teenager. I have high schoolers and college age students in my family and the crap they come home with is astounding, shoved on them by a well meaning teacher but not completely accurate. I know since I was a kid in the 70s that they told us California would eventually break off, literally, from the US and that Florida would one day be underwater. I am a native Floridian,5th generation so I’m just as qualified to know this stuff as anyone else.

    • June 2, 2017 at 3:31 pm
      Mr. Solvent says:
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      I remember acid rain was going to destroy all of our monuments. They’ve been calling for catastrophic global warming since 1922 with a small break in 1977 calling for the next ice age. I’m smart enough to know that “science” is one of the biggest cults out there, especially when making predictions 20 and 30 years out. If this were a religion calling for doomsday and constantly having to revise there day people would call it stupid.

      • June 8, 2017 at 11:43 am
        Confused says:
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        Mr. Solvent – Unless you provide additional content aside from “I agree” or “I do not agree”, I promise I won’t make a follow-up comment to this question so you know I’m not trying to do a “gotcha” question or “trap” you into something to prove something else.

        Simply asking: Do you agree we were warned about a growing hole in our ozone layer a few decades ago, and do you agree that man’s reduction of emitting CFC’s into the atmosphrere contributed to stopping it from getting any bigger?

        The point I’m trying to make is: we were warned about something catastrophic, but man changed their ways and the prediction failed – that prediction ended up being wrong due to the actions of us humans.

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