Calif. Speier Bill Would Close Loopholes in Proof of Auto Insurance Law

March 10, 2004

  • March 11, 2004 at 2:45 am
    Tim Hampton says:
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    Finally! A legislator comes up with a bill that other states implemented years ago. Hats off to this bill and legislator. We insurnace people have had to put up with this “Buy coverage one day and cancel the next day” mentality for years.

  • March 11, 2004 at 6:48 am
    Anonymous says:
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  • March 11, 2004 at 6:50 am
    Stanley Dean says:
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    I would further tie the drivers license and immigration status together electronically to assure that a person is legally in the country. The ACLU would probably blow this down but I do see it as a way to assure that only people who are legally in the country can obtain a drivers license.

  • August 22, 2004 at 10:08 am
    Shiloh M says:
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    great,what a marvelous idea.lets give the the already bloated insurance companies another state sanctioned means of maintaining their stranglehold on the american driver.maybe im crazy,but in not too happy about the portion of my already meager income that disappears into the car insurance black hole.ive been a licenced driver for 14 years now,i have no accidents and one speeding ticket on my far as i can tell my rates are higher than they have ever been.
    i suppose if you have a great source of income then this is no big deal,but for the vast number of low and middle income families,the extra hundred bucks or more in the monthly budget can be a big factor on issues such as savings or medical bills or food or childcare or education or my god.. even being able to get away and do something besides working for practically nothing and having less to show for isnt a bad idea,and i would still buy it if it wasnt required and reasonably priced.most people would.this current situation is out of hand though, and me and alot of other people are being taken advantage sorry but life just isnt perfectly safe,insurance companies are using the governments utopian fantacies as justification for bold faced extortion.

  • February 1, 2006 at 9:26 am
    Rick says:
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    I think this guy is an idiot. You shouldnt have to buy insurance if you dont want to. There are many people out there that are on a limited incomes that can not afford these rediculous rates and still be able to put food on their table every month.

    I think is should be a personal choice if you want to insure your property no matter what it is. If the government wants everyone to be insured then they should include it on the yearly registration that you pay every year at a VERY low rate and quit putting that money in their already fat rear pockets.

  • July 13, 2007 at 5:57 am
    mary wall says:
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    You are targeting law abiding citizens.

    I was out of the country for 6 months. My registration was current but I had cancelled my insurance.

    It is outrageous that I had to pay another 14 dollars to get my car back on the road. I have never driven without insurance.

    Also since my car had current registration, I should be able to cancel this and get a refund while the car is not on the road.

    If you want to target uninsured motorists, this is not the way to do it they will always find a way around the law. The police need to impound their cars.

    Mary Wall

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