AIA: Applicant Attorneys Trying to Roll Back Workers’ Comp Reforms

January 19, 2005

  • January 20, 2005 at 3:43 am
    Joanna Losee says:
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    And the AIA should change their name to the
    Un-American Insurance Association. They know
    that the paltry amounts that injured workers re-
    ceive for their injuries is a disgrace. Why don’t
    they argue the fact that injured workers are fairly
    compensated for their injuries? Because they
    simply can’t so they engage in name-calling. LIke
    the ridiculous way they have tried to interpet the
    new apportionment labor code sections, the courts are being called upon to evaluate the issues on the merit, not by name-calling.

  • January 20, 2005 at 12:30 pm
    Hunter says:
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    CAAA Shill

  • January 20, 2005 at 2:42 am
    Clementine says:
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    Here, here on that Joanna

    ADD, Healthnet insurance HMO to the Un-American list too.

  • January 20, 2005 at 3:28 am
    J. Allan says:
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    Joanna Lossee and Clementine obviously have neither had to pay the premiums for workmens compensation in California. It would be interesting to know their attitudes if they had to pay $30.00 per
    $100 of payroll of a sizeable amount.

  • January 22, 2005 at 6:46 am
    Miss Educator says:
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    Joanna Losee is right. J. Allen is obviously very ignorante and uneducated on the California State Insurance Fund which funds over 60% of all claims. They have 30 billion dollars in assets and they withold or do not pay injured workers medical bills. Several people can not get the medication they need. The CAAA (Applicants Attorneys representing the injured workers need a raise). Attorneys for the employer and insurance companies make over 200 dollars an hour and get paid right up front. The injured workers attorneys sometimes has to wait years before they see one penny. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

  • April 5, 2013 at 10:27 pm
    Bob Postpera says:
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    Joanna Losee, AIA is not un-American. Worker Comp lawyers are un-American. They rip off injured worker actual benefit, inflate cost of doing business, destroy America’s competitiveness in global economy, forces American corporations move jobs overseas, …

    Miss Educator is real-life ignorant and uneducated. Lawyers are the people who rip off our society but contribute nothing to our future.

    Most lawyers have to go to hell.

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