Insurers Say Catholic Archdiocese Withheld Evidence

By | January 31, 2005

  • January 31, 2005 at 12:27 pm
    Bob says:
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    I didn’t realize a church didn’t have to abide by policy terms and conditions such as cooperating, and timely reporting.

  • January 31, 2005 at 12:51 pm
    Brian says:
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    I didn’t realize that the case had been tried and won by the plaintiff (i.e.,AIG).

    Or are you just blabbering?

  • January 31, 2005 at 1:53 am
    Shocked says:
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    I must say that I am shocked that AIG would level these types of alegations against the Archdiocese. After all the church has been proven to be Lilly White throughout these problems. Brian although I concur that the trial has not taken place and the article does not provide all of the facts, I do not find fault with Bob’s prior comments based upon the history of the church as a whole.

    I hope that someday the church will be able to wipe the stain of the sins of a small number of individuals from themselves but unfortunately for the time being they will have to deal with the fact that the small number of individuals have brought shame upon the entire church.

    As to AIG’s action if they perceive this to be the case I would take the same action.

  • January 31, 2005 at 1:53 am
    Shocked says:
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    I must say that I am shocked that AIG would level these types of alegations against the Archdiocese. After all the church has been proven to be Lilly White throughout these problems. Brian although I concur that the trial has not taken place and the article does not provide all of the facts, I do not find fault with Bob’s prior comments based upon the history of the church as a whole.

    I hope that someday the church will be able to wipe the stain of the sins of a small number of individuals from themselves but unfortunately for the time being they will have to deal with the fact that the small number of individuals have brought shame upon the entire church.

    As to AIG’s action if they perceive this to be the case I would take the same action.

  • February 7, 2005 at 2:17 am
    STEVE says:
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    With the history of the Church just shuffling these offending priest from one church to the other, and continually covering up at the highest levels, do you really think that the Church has been totally honest with the Insurance Company now? It says the Church and the claimants hope to settle out of court and not go to trial, I’m sure they don’t just let the Insurance Company pay, and the Catholic Church gets to keep their money and the claimement get their money. Everybody is happy.

  • February 8, 2005 at 8:07 am
    Bob says:
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    The thrust of the article is the Archbishop did not cooperate by bnot having depositions taken. The Church’s retort is “we aren’t withholding anything”. No, but you sure didn’t cooperate, or there would be depositions, and its not “sticking a knife in the Cardinal’s throat” to ask (indeed require) cooperation. Deny coverage, let them dangle as they should.

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