Insurers, Nonprofits Offer Low-Income Loans to Health Clinics

November 22, 2005

  • November 22, 2005 at 3:53 am
    Bill Wilson says:
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    This appears to be another CA. \”feel good\” \”subsidy\” for those types of businesses that obviously do not cater to a \”paying\” customer. Again the U.S. pays for healthcare for illegal aliens as evidenced by the location of the initial health care facility. (San Ysidro) This facility requires low cost funding due to it\’s lack of ability to be paid for the services rendered. It seems to me the dollars would be better spent deporting the illegals for them to obtain healthcare in their own country… I am tired of supporting illegal aliens. These low cost loans will be defaulted upon and the costs will be borne by the company shareholders, employees and customers.

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