Colo. Committee Wants State to Manage Insured Motorist Database

January 17, 2006

  • January 18, 2006 at 10:49 am
    Ann Roberts says:
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    Under the heading of \”be careful what you wish for\” someone from Colorado should talk to Maine where we implemented a \”system\” about a year ago and it is shooting out registration cancellations when people switch companies for their insurance.

    Such a system is very important to insurers and agents, but unless it works smoothly it is a grand mal for agents.

  • January 31, 2006 at 2:47 am
    Kramer says:
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    The State of Colorado could do a better job with license verifications? This by having the Department of Revenue taking a social responsibility for accountability.

    Living in the Santa Clara County,
    state of California, these very people here do the money laundering financials for the insurance companies.

    Aint that pretty.

    Offender\’s Include: State Farm Insurance.

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