Study: High Disability Retirement in LA County Safety Agencies

March 12, 2007

  • March 12, 2007 at 4:05 am
    Hosedragger says:
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    I am a firefighter/paramedic who is being retired out on a disability. I tore three discs in my back in 2004, and have been doing everything possible to get repaired and put back to work. While I cannot speak for all of my brothers and sisters, in my case, I have been repeatedly hampered by WOrker\’s Compensation with their apparent tactic of \”Delay and Deny\”. Currently, all cases are reviewed, not by medical professionals, but by lay people who decide what treatments are needed and which ones aren\’t. The treatment that was delayed and denied for me, which lead directly not only to my retirement, but my permanent crippling and disability was the purposeful delay of sending me to a Pain Management physician because the adjuster stated, \”I didn\’t approve it for the last five months because I didn\’t think you would go\”, then once there after waiting a total of ten months, I was forced to present as much information as possible to get the only proceedure available to fix my injury. This was another 3 month delay. Following the proceedure, it was mandatory that I start physical therapy for the rebuilding and the proper healing of my back within 6 weeks…no later. The W.C. people originally denied the PT, then argued with the doctor and attornies until finally stating that they did not have the expertise to make this decision and gave it to a M.D. who approved it…4.5 months later. This guaranteed that my back failed to heal properly and made sure that I not only was worse off than before the proceedure, but that I would have to retire.

    Before people start to look at these Safety Personel as gold bricks who are just trying to take the easy way out, let me tell you that the vast majority of us only want to heal and return to the jobs we worked very hard to get and loved almost as much as our own children. The W.C. system is corrupt and does not care about the employee or their health. My life, family and career is drastically changed all because the bottom line is money for the insurer, not the insuree. Start caring about the injured employee and you will save money in the long run. E-mail me and I would be glad to talk to anyone about my case, and what needs to be done so that what happened to me never happens to another person again. Believe me…this doesn\’t even scratch the surface of all that has happened.

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