Calif. Attorney Sentenced Two Years in Insurance Scam

March 14, 2007

  • March 14, 2007 at 9:20 am
    Dirk says:
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    Attorney\’s are my absolute worst clients, they have no regard for your professionalism, let alone they are among the cheapest people I met. They don\’t even get proper coverage.

  • March 14, 2007 at 5:11 am
    County Line says:
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    Gasp! Oh no, it couldn\’t possibly be an attorney, and in California no less!

    Of course the perp is now the victim, if you listen to his legal counsel.

    Shame and personal responsibility slip so effortlessly off these scoundrels. For a change of pace try doing something to elevate the image of your profession.

  • January 27, 2010 at 7:41 am
    Pissed says:
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    This scumbag even ripped off the babysitter. That’s true!!!

    After finding a great nanny for his kids, who was working her way through college, this punk charmed her into believing that all his money was tied up in his divorce but certainly he would pay her wages, the out-of-pocket money he convinced her to front for the kids and a little bonus next month, then the next, etc. Putting the risk of not being paid behind the need to help and spend time with this guy’s two children caught in the middle of a nasty divorce, the nanny got burned. You guessed it. At the end of the summer he owed, and never paid her, thousands of dollars, which caused her to drop out of college for a semester to re-earn college money.

    Is there any wonder why our youth get so hardened? This man stole money form this young woman but even worse, he stole her trust and innocence.

    There’s not a dungeon dark enough for a guy like this!!!!!

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