E.L.M. Insurance Brokers Enters Commercial Casualty Market

April 25, 2007

  • April 25, 2007 at 10:33 am
    Henry says:
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    When you can not make it in special lines, try expanding the portofolio.

    Another wholesale generalist. One thing we have all learned you cant focus on all lines if you want to bring value to your clients….

  • April 26, 2007 at 1:21 am
    Fred Fisher says:
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    That is very true- and while we HAVE MADE it in Specialty Lines and enjoy PREFERRED STATUS with our Markets- we ave many Producers asking we do this- and- we feel we do have the expertise, together with the support of our Markets. As our economy moves more and more away from Mfg and into Servicing, E&O is becoming a bigger part, yet being able to provide 1 stop shopping is something we are being asked to do. I wouldn\’t characterize it as becoming another generalist as much as being expert at specialty Lines- and being willing to round out the Product Line.

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