New Way for Parents to Observe How Their Teens are Driving

August 31, 2007

  • August 31, 2007 at 1:16 am
    Sue says:
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    There are so many items on which I could comment having a daughter who is years away from driving but I’ll begin with the fact that trust has nothing to do with this. Parents have every right to know how their children, the love of their lives, are handling a weapon on wheels. Not only does a new driver need to learn how to handle the actual car, they need to learn how to anticipate and react to other drivers and situations. Maybe kids could look at this like a football coach going over plays after a game.
    I don’t even want to comment on the “not being able to kiss my girlfriend” comment. I was a teen too, kiss outside of the cameras range.

  • August 31, 2007 at 1:42 am
    swymmer says:
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    Safeco has a new program designed around similar ideas. They use a GPS device to allow the parents to see where and how fast the car was driven, as well as educational opportunities for both parent and young driver.

  • September 4, 2007 at 10:36 am
    Sara says:
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    I hope that soon more insurance companies will offer this type of technology to parents of young drivers. Too many of us, adults included, act invincible when behind the wheel. Taking needless risks. If young drivers can be “caught” and corrected now, they will be safer drivers as adults.

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