Farmers Insurance Fined $2 Million; Refunds $1.4 Million

September 7, 2007

  • September 7, 2007 at 7:40 am
    Octavio says:
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    Funny…I have now seen 3 Farmers agents say that all companies have the same problems and that they are the poor whipping boy. Really! I represent The Hartford, Safeco and Travelers and you can not find nearly as many negative stories with them combined as Farmers has had in the last few days. Give it a rest. Farmers sux and you know it. It is easy to be hired by them and bum agents end up there. The quality agents have solid books of business with numerous companies and not just one. Independents are kicking your Farmers asses and you still dont see the light. Wake up and BAIL fool

  • September 7, 2007 at 7:59 am
    poor underwriting says:
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    As on IA, I represent Safeco, Travelers, Hartford, Allstate and several other preferred carriers and when it comes to underwriting, I think Farmers is the worst. Issuing homeowners policy with underinsured limit on dwelling, issuing auto policy without licensed young drivers to lower the premium is common practice to them. I’ve heard the Farmers agents convince insured not to add their young driver because the company will cover the losses anyway and they’re doing this to stay in the competitive market. Poor agents

  • September 7, 2007 at 7:59 am
    please... says:
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    Octovio, get off your high horse! There are great agents at Farmers, State Farm, Allstate, etc… There are also great “independents” but there are also some crappy agents out there no matter if they are with a name brand or an independant. The insurance game isn’t rocket science and I’m sure anybody with a pulse and some sales ability can get appointed with any company out there. There are many unethical independent agents who only care about that broker fee and never see there customer again but there is not specific company to tie the independent with… that’s why you never hear all the bad stuff.
    We all do the same thing; some do a good job and others don’t… I just don’t see the point of continually trashing our own profession (no matter what company we are with) as the public perception of insurance agents isn’t that great to begin with.
    Octovio, you just seem to have a bad attitude about it all… keep making your money as an independent and let us captive agents make our money and take care of our clients!

  • September 7, 2007 at 8:11 am
    Mark says:
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    I agree wholeheartedly with the last poster. There ARE good and bad indies and captives. I wouldn’t judge all independents by Octavio’s post- I’m sure that there are independents with some class. There have been liberties taken by Farmers agents, but underwriting is much tighter now and it is much more difficult to bend the rules (although it still happens). Bottom line, Farmers works for me, as I’ve been increasing my book every year. I’m sure much of that has to do with relationships that I’ve formed with my clients and they would go with me if I became an independent. I happen to like the direction that Farmers is headed in, and I think market share will bear that out in the coming years.

  • September 7, 2007 at 8:19 am
    Octavio says:
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    I think I am most upset about the fact that the company you write for along with Statefarm and Allstate continually get headlines for actions that create negative public opinion. Katrina claims issues, Allstate pulling out of California HO-3 market and continual issues with the DOI. Its no wonder that many customers dont like out industry. I get really upset and rightfully so when your employer gets headlines for stupid actions like today’s headlines and the Ray Wersching case just to name a couple of situations. I chose who I represent and if the company has a bad rep, I dont take the appointment regardless of their rate levels. I too am building a book and the last thing I want are phone calls questioning my company’s honesty. I would be embarrassed to work for Farmers. Sorry, but that is my opinion and I am sure it is that of a few more.

  • September 7, 2007 at 8:19 am
    OakRaidFan says:
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    Ex-FIG Agent (over 11 yrs). Gone for @ 10
    plus yrs. Glad to see them finally being taken to task. When Prop. 103 came out & they were told to change Auto territories,
    all they did was to RENAME them, from territories to CCFs (Claims Cost Factors).
    They didn’t change any boundaries or rates
    however! Typical, arrogant Farmers. They
    deserve what they get, reap what they sow.

  • September 7, 2007 at 8:31 am
    Mark says:
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    We all know that bad news gets top billing (like the contingent commission scandal). What you don’t see are things like the millions of dollars that Farmers raises as a company for March of Dimes and the response by Farmers to California wildfires and midwest tornadoes. Farmers doesn’t write insurance in Louisiana, so I can’t comment about Katrina. I suppose you are telling me that Hartford, Travelers, et al had NO PROBLEMS there. Anyway, it’s pointless to argue about it because the market will take care of itself. If Farmers stinks, people will leave- there are alot of insurance companies around. You should be happy when stuff like this happens, since it should drive customers away from me and to you. Even though in this particular case, Farmers discovered their error and fixed it before the DOI got involved.

  • September 7, 2007 at 9:08 am
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    No I dont take any pride in seeing your company get bad press. I have a great deal of pride in the industry and I am quite surprised to see how many former agents of Farmers kick the crap out of their former employer. I don’t see much of that from my colleagues who have sold their agencies for good money and happily retired. They praise their affiliation with Travelers, Hartford and Allied. Maybe its because they are smarter and dont get caught? So what does that say about the management of Farmers? Not very much. In any case, I would like for there to be NO news about your employer…just do your business and follow the freakin rules of the DOI…how hard can that be?


  • September 7, 2007 at 10:01 am
    Einstein says:
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    I believe it was about 8 years ago they put this program into effect and they knew then that it was splitting Zip Codes incorrectly. In simple terms, if the agent did not correct it, they would charge the highest protection class in that Zip Code. Meaning that people living within 500 feet of a fire plug, etc., would be charged rural or mountain rates. Ask any California agent, they had to manually correct every split zip code. You see that was a long time ago, and they told the agent they knew there were errors and they should correct it, so I do not believe THEM. I also know when Ray Wersching was getting special rates by Farmer’s that they were fully aware who his embezzling partner was, and they thought she was the reason for his success, so I DO NOT BELIEVE THEM.

  • September 7, 2007 at 11:08 am
    Val 96 78 xxx says:
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  • September 7, 2007 at 1:04 am
    interested says:
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    Valentin, you always have negative Farmers responses… you still with them?

  • September 7, 2007 at 1:46 am
    Bart says:
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    Farmers has manipulated the fire rating system to their own benefit in our area, rates for homes outside of the city limits have gone up over 45%. Same exposure as before, just higher rates. Needless to say, they made a lot of money in the last two years, a lot of money. Is this wrong? No. Lousy business decision? Yes. Let the market solve the problem.

  • September 7, 2007 at 3:01 am
    Buffalo Bill says:
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    This time Farmers was right and the state was wrong. The company discovered their problem, reported it, refunded on their own. Then they get fined 2M. Maybe the state will fix some pot holes.

  • September 7, 2007 at 3:09 am
    himself says:
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    Buffalo Bill is right. Shows you that most states’ DOI’s are nothing more than revenue-generators who perpetuate their own existence by such sham tactics against insurance companies and their employees. Ever participated in a State audit of your underwriting or claims department? Those people come with an agenda, knowing where most insurance companies have weak performance issues (usually so minor in nature as to not have an affect in the marketplace) yet they have the authority to fine companies for noncompliance. They’re like ticks sucking the lifeblood out of the industry.

  • September 7, 2007 at 4:51 am
    Barndogg says:
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    Are there any Farmers Agents out there that are reading this?

    How are rate in you area?

    Are you growing your book of Business?

    Are you happy with Farmer Businsess tackics?

  • September 7, 2007 at 6:19 am
    Mark says:
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    I’m an agent in the L.A. area, and yes in most areas we are pretty competitive now. Hasn’t always been the case. Farmers has come a long way since I started about 15 years ago, technology-wise, product-wise, training-wise, claims-wise and marketing-wise. They’ve made some good acquisitions (Foremost, Bristol), and they have some good management in place. Zurich has helped. There are still some ‘issues’ (especially billing), but they are making an effort to be a dominating force in the industry. I know that one can find negatives about every company, for some reason Farmers seems to be the whipping boy for many who read these posts.

  • September 7, 2007 at 6:31 am
    steve says:
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    quit yelling you retard.

  • September 8, 2007 at 11:58 am
    Marty says:
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    It is all part of our diabolical long term plan to lose business. The plan is working great. We should shrink to tenth place in the next five years.

  • September 8, 2007 at 5:28 am
    Reserve Agent 50911 says:
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    My District Manager told me Farmers Insurance had no sales quotas, that I would be completely independent and have a $250,000 book of business in a few short years, if I only paid them (get it? paid them?) for my Reserve Agent training. This is now over $4,000 and the way I’m told to build my business is to ripoff other agents’s policies, because here in California, Farmers has two big problems, first they are not competitive in their rates. They are way overpriced. Secondly, the California consumer has had many years of bad press. My DM has been able to hire only two Reserve agents in two years. Farmers was sued successfully by it’s own employees for not paying overtime. Farmers lost $45 million on that one. Their own employees! Then the poor lady from Seattle who successfully sied Farmers that had to represent herself because she couldn’t afford an attorney like Farmers could. She won her case to, $450,000. The judge had no good words for FArmers. Sure, they win the Rose Parade Float contest and have a big March of Dimes racket going, but this is their PR Department working, not the poor slobs who have to work for them in customer service or claims, and the poor agents who have to steal fellow agents policies in order to “grow” a book of business. Ask any old Farmers agent what he thinks of the company. There’s a reason they are FORMER agents. They bailed out with Marty Feintein several years ago, and just in the nick of time. Farmers represents a lot of bad things for consumers in California. We see how they treat their own employees and their “independent” agents and it doesn’t take a genius to see how they’ll screw their customers. This is just another example of a company run into the ground by the greed in Los Angeles. They even recently hired someone from Progressive to kickstart sales. That job is a joke. Farmers gets bad press because it is run with just one thing in mind, get the most money out of these suckers(policyholders), pay the smallest claims amounts, hound your “independent” agents for Life Insurance sales (independent contractors have no sales goals right? Wrong!) and send gazillions of dollars to the management company in Switzerland. Farmers isn’t going to gain any ground soon. They just bought out Bristol-West, then raised the rates three times and lowered their own agents commissions. Real compassionate Farmers.

  • September 9, 2007 at 11:56 am
    9 Month in Farmers Agent says:
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    Rates in my area have been very competitive. My book of business after 9 mos has also been very good.As far as the Farmers business tactics: I have not seen a hint of anything fraudulent or below board. My DM has been great at pointing out the do’s and dont’s of the business. How you conduct your business as a captive or an IA just like any other business will ultimately be in the hands of the individuals. If I were crooked, guess what, there are opportunities on an hourly basis to do harm, the same as opportunities to really do some good. It’s the coolest thing in the world to actually help and educate people about our industry and get paid for it too. Octavio, I’m sure you have your reasons for being a hatter, but I have not experienced anything but first rate class and dignity since I joined Farmers. No! Its certainly not perfect, but a band of thieves and terrorist extorting money from the public and each other it hasn’t been at all.

  • September 10, 2007 at 7:51 am
    Godfather says:
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    Farmers did the right thing on this. All of you biches can not make it with us as indies or with the captives. So STFU and get off of here and go sell something.

  • September 10, 2007 at 8:29 am
    Diana Villarreal says:
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    Has anyone actually gotten a refund? If so how, and who did you contact for the refund?

  • September 10, 2007 at 8:42 am
    Einstein says:
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    Farmers Insurance’s track record for the past 18 months is not an opinion, it’s a fact. They have been sued and lost by the DOI in 3 states! They have lost 2 class action suits by policyholders and lost, and 2 by it’s employee’s and agents and lost. They just lost a judgement for 1.4 to it’s insureds, and were fined by the DOI. This is not an opinion these are facts, and can not be excused because all insurance have some bad press.

  • September 10, 2007 at 2:11 am
    Nancy says:
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    Mark and please… had excellent posts and made excellent points. All insurance carriers have good and bad people. One last thing Octavio, please list one insurance company that has NOT had a problem or a continual issue with the DOI.

  • September 11, 2007 at 8:29 am
    Octoavio says:
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    Travelers, Hartford and Allied have had little or no “continuing” record with the DOI for one. There is a difference between rate revisions and changes and a company which constantly gets caught and fined for FRAUD. Farmers is the lowest point a captive agent can go. Why don’t these agents look into Statefarm or Allied. Now those are quality companies who don’t put an agent on every corner. Nancy…you should know the answer to your own question if you had done some research or spent any time on the indie side. Thank god I aint no captive prisoner and yes I purposely used those set of words

  • September 11, 2007 at 3:10 am
    Nancy says:
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    Octavio – You’ve told me nothing and added irrelevance. Thanks for not answering my question. Have a great day. Oh, I don’t work for Farmers either although I am a Farmers baby as both my parents worked for Farmers for 45 years each. :-p

  • September 12, 2007 at 8:25 am
    Octavio says:
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    Yah Nancy….how dat be for ju

  • September 12, 2007 at 9:08 am
    Octavio says:
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    We care that you are the offspring of a farmer? No.

    “Mark and please… had excellent posts and made excellent points. All insurance carriers have good and bad people.
    One last thing Octavio, please list one insurance company that has NOT had a problem or a continual issue with the DOI.

    Answer: Travelers, Hartford, Allied and Liberty Mutual

    I did answer you. Your too illiterate to understand a simple answer. Farmers still sucks and always will.
    A wonderful website of satified customers

  • September 12, 2007 at 5:22 am
    Nancy says:
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    So if I go to the DOI website there will be absolutely NO complaints ever filed with the DOI against Travelers, Hartford, Allied and Liberty Mutual. Do you want to bet me on this before I go to the website? Basically you are full of crap and don’t know what you are talking about. Again thanks for telling me nothing and adding irrelevance. I understand that English is your second language but try to comprehend what you read before you write.

  • September 12, 2007 at 5:39 am
    Mark says:
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    Be careful Nancy. Octavio may come back with a snappy retort like, ‘you suck’. He seems to have command of that part of the English language.

  • September 12, 2007 at 5:39 am
    Einstein says:
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    The question really here is not that other carriers have no issues, it’s that FIG has more that all the others put together. The California DOI has fined them over 3 million dollars in 2006 and 2007. The state of North Dakota fined them in excess of 1 million dollars, these are fines levied. They have also lost 3 class action suits in favor of policyholder, agents, and employees. This like the excuse from a driver what’s the big deal I am not the only driver that gets a ticket, which is true however that does not excuse the driver for having 5 cites.

  • September 13, 2007 at 4:52 am
    Nancy says:
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    Ah Einstein BUT THAT WAS MY QUESTION and Octavio danced around it and DID NOT answer my question because he knew the answer and it goes against what he has been screaming on this article. Try nice deflecting my post though and you might want to re-think your moniker if you don’t know how to read and comprehend.

  • September 13, 2007 at 6:37 am
    Einstein says:
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    It appears, that Nancy you want to kill the messenger. The company that Farmers once was does not exist, to excuse all of their actions by comparing them to other companies is wrong by you and that other guy. You see their behavior is not excused by another’s misbehavior, that rationalization has not worked in their favor in court, or with the DOI. I am not sure that at this point that they could go straight, you see Zurich is bleeding them for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

  • September 14, 2007 at 7:05 am
    Octavio says:
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    Smoked by Einstein….Nancy da Farmer

  • September 17, 2007 at 11:06 am
    Einstein says:
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    All of you Farmer’s people, I just heard that Farmer’s again errored (companywide)and paid their agent’s too much commission. I asked this person, if in their 30 years with the company had they ever found and error in favor of the agents. The answer was no, but that this was not the first time the company had found an error in their favor and charged agents back. My question is does any one know of an instance where they returned commission in favor the agent, without a class action suit being filed.

  • November 25, 2008 at 1:13 am
    howard says:
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    No! They never returns the money back to their agents no matter what! This is an unique fxxxxx entity that treats its agents like enemy!

    A previous Farmers agent

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