Climate Change Expert Predicts Hawaii Hurricanes To Get Stronger

September 18, 2007

  • September 18, 2007 at 1:27 am
    Worm says:
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    C’mon you guys, I’m surprised there’s no cut-and-paste response yet. Let’s get to it Chilly!

  • September 18, 2007 at 1:29 am
    ad says:
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    Fortunately nature cooperated with theory? This is too much!

    Dr Stephen Schneider is perhaps the most media-exposed Greenhouse expert, having developed a charismatic speaking style, complemented by his 1970s good looks, and penchant for extravagant claims about impending environmental disaster.

    For example, in a TV interview in 1990 to Britain’s Channel 4, he remarked –

    “The rate of change is so fast that I don’t hesitate to call it
    potentially catastrophic for ecosystems.”

    Such a comment was quite wrong, climatically speaking, and blatantly alarmist.

    He is also a fully qualified climatologist, closely identified with climate modeling at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado, USA. He has written numerous papers and articles on the subject and is invariably sought out by the media for the latest horror predictions about Greenhouse, due to both his willingness to cast scientific caution aside in making such predictions, and his natural articulate and charismatic appeal to the general public.

  • September 18, 2007 at 1:37 am
    The Oz says:
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    I liked it when they called it gerbal warning, that was more serious. Now it is just called climate change, a change of climate from day to day. But what I really want is a movie to scare me from using my car again, can you help?

  • September 18, 2007 at 1:50 am
    Eric Cartman says:
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    [cut] “no doubt?” Are we even worthy to engage in discussion amidst this obviously great mind? [paste#*–insert here]) As you see, he is certain that the hurricanes will be stronger-so [[{tab to end}}}} they obviously will be; I for one will be here 40 years from now to verify the laser accuracy of this eminent “climate expert’s” pontifications. But…..beware! He will agree that “climate change”(which has never happened before in the earth’s history) is not in the future; no, it will arrive (cue ominous music)…..two days before the day after tomorrow!!! This may be even more dangerous than ManBearPig!!! Where is Al Gore in this, our most dire moment?!$$$?? (end file-DOS, c:\run)

  • September 18, 2007 at 2:08 am
    The Peddler says:
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    Yessiree! Step right up here. We’ve got the cure for what ails you-global warming, climate change, hotter winters, cooler summers, drought, species extinction, killer bees, the winds, gout, baldness, mental infirmities…yes, you guessed it…carbon credits!! Just drop your cash into the collection box here; one carbon credit for $100, two for $175, and our end of the the month special-five, that’s a whopping five of these little miracle workers, for a mere $425! Ye sinners repent and unburden yourself of your ill-gotten cash to stop the imminent death of our planet!

  • September 18, 2007 at 2:47 am
    The Boss says:
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    Why do you people have so much time to be posting to this site? Get back to work!! I’ll be watching you!!!

  • September 18, 2007 at 3:13 am
    El Squid says:
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    Presumeably Mr. Schneider will be quite dead in 30 or 40 years so he won’t be around to take the heat when his predictions turn out to be as worthless as most global warming weenie alarmists.

    I am uniformly unimpressed by Mr. Schneider’s wild a** guesses about the weather in Hawaii in 50 years.

  • September 18, 2007 at 3:36 am
    Chilly says:
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    According to National Geographic: “Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of the St. Petersburg’s Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being caused by changes in the sun.

    ‘The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and Mars,’ Abdussamatov said.”

    This scientific research regarding Mars and the Sun, follows another new study about the impact of cosmic rays on the Earth’s climate. A release from the Danish National Space Center details the latest research from scientists from Denmark, Canada and Israel.

    “Nir Shaviv of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, together with Ján Veizer of the Ruhr University and the University of Ottawa, link [Earth’s temperature] changes to the journey of the Sun and the Earth through the Milky Way Galaxy,” the release stated.

    The leader of Sun-climate research at the Danish National Space Center, Henrik Svensmark said, “The past 10 years have seen the reconnaissance of a new area of research by a small number of investigators.'”

    Below are partial excerpts of both articles. Click on links for full text.

  • September 18, 2007 at 4:15 am
    Oddsmaker says:
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    Really going out on a limb there dude. A stronger hurricane will hit within 40 years. 50/50 chance of the next one being stronger. The odds are miniscule that there will not be a stronger hurricane in 40 years.

    Might as well predict that it will rain harder in Seattle in the next 40 years.

  • September 19, 2007 at 8:11 am
    Anon says:
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    Okay… this guy is probably being paid very well to make his predictions so I’m going to do the same, please contact me directly to arrange payment:

    Another hurricane will hit New Orleans in the next 50 years, there’s a very likely possibility that it will cause more devistation than Katrina.

    Florida will be hit by a hurricane in the next 20 years.

    A hurricane spawned in the Atlantic ocean will make landfall on the North American landmass and will cause serious loss of life and property in the next 10 years.

    There will be either a wildfire or earthquake in California in the next 25 years that causes extensive destruction.

    Sometime in 2008 there will be a change in US government at a very high level.

    Shall I go on? Where’s my check?

  • September 20, 2007 at 11:45 am
    Madame Predictor says:
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    As I see things…. from my crystal ball, I can’t help but respond to you all!

    This is another way the American Government spends your Tax dollars & it really doesn’t matter if it is a Republican or a Democrat in office, because someone is going to have a friend that they will give money to if they will make up stuff to share with the population.

    I predict that there will be a bunch of idiots that don’t have a clue how to take care of their own finances running our government, oh, I guess that’s already happening! Sorry – all out of predictions now – crystal ball glazed over – bye!

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