Calif. Sues Manufacturers of Toys with Lead

November 19, 2007

  • November 19, 2007 at 1:31 am
    Boycott China says:
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  • November 19, 2007 at 1:39 am
    wudchuck says:
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    where will it end? how can you make a distributor held responsible if they don’t test the product? is that the responsiblity of the creator of the product? toys-r-us, kmart, walmart and other similar retails distribute and sell the product. they did not design nor market the product. now mattel, fischer-price and the like should be held since they create and market the product. they have the testing ability to ensure quality of that product. so here we go again, w/multi frivilous lawsuits to clog up the courts. here’s the other issue: proving that particular item caused the problem!

  • November 19, 2007 at 2:30 am
    Brian says:
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    Not a lot of sympathy for US companies that know the risks and rules at home. Outsourcing to foreign companies doesn’t and shouldn’t relieve them of responsibility and liability. They’re getting what they richly deserve for their lack of attention and focus solely on profit at the expense of the consumer. Bring the work back home to the US, and the actual cost, taking into account the lawsuits that are and will be filed, is actually much lower.

  • November 19, 2007 at 3:16 am
    parriot says:
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    I hope every damn one of this exporting jobs to China go bankrupt. Then maybe they will have second thoughts about pulling away from good, quality workmen/women in order to save 2cents.. Greed, greed and more big business greed.
    Also I hope that if they are buying “recall” coverages that will dry up and if they insist on partnering with the Chinese they do so at their own peril!
    Unamerican SOB’s…Along with capitalism goes responsibility for what is right for the country, not just the company..

  • November 19, 2007 at 5:19 am
    Realist says:
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    Look it up.
    When I was a kid I kept lead Benjamin pellet rifle pellets in my mouth all the time. My IQ now is 180.
    Chasing ghosts (or excuses).

  • November 19, 2007 at 5:34 am
    wudchuck says:
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    i think not ghosts, but $$$ on frivilous lawsuits…

  • November 20, 2007 at 12:52 pm
    DWT says:
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    Don’t just point blame at the companies outsourcing to China. It’s everyone’s problem. Back in the 70’s we heard a cry of buy American, but nobody listened. Americans want everything but aren’t willing to pay for it. We want all the jobs to stay here at home but want to savings of that imports offer. As a business the decision is easy, either go out of business by keeping the jobs here or outsource. Nothing will change until the American public decides to pay the price of American goods.

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