Corps of Engineers Raises Alarm on Sacramento Levees

January 17, 2008

  • January 17, 2008 at 7:07 am
    Dave says:
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    Tokyo, New York City, Paris, San Francisco, London, Sacramento.
    Hmmmmm, which city does not belong in this group?
    Name one college/university that anyone outside of Sac has ever heard of?
    Mondavi Center is in Dixon, not Sac. Anyway’s, it sorta like putting lipstick on a pig.
    Enjoy your dinner at Denny’s tonight.

  • January 17, 2008 at 10:52 am
    Don says:
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    Responding to Dave’s one actual question: Although I graduated from Cal Berkeley, I have been pleased that many persons (world-wide) specifically ask me about UC Davis when they learn that I am from Sacramento (all the way from the US East Coast to Africa and New Zealand). The most common questions concern the School of Veterinary Medicine, considered by many authorities as the best in the world. Other disciplines include the School of Law and the MBA programs (have you discovered the US News and World Reports rankings?).

    Dixon?! I suppose, Dave, that Stanford University is disqualified as being too close to East Palo Alto. I am beginning to believe that the only places you have visited in the Sacramento area are Rio Linda and Galt. This is not to denigrate either, but only to suggest that they do not represent an adequate sampling of the dozens of fine restaurants, legitimate theatre, art galleries, and other cultural venues located in the greater Sacramento area. It is time to revisit your negative experiences from the 1960’s.


  • January 17, 2008 at 11:06 am
    Dave says:
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    These exchanges are funny (& actually quite sad). I’m just having fun with you.
    But you gotta admit, my top 8 reasons earlier were all true. Especially about those Sacramento Kings.
    That’s it from me Don, no more posts. Sac is way too easy of a target!

  • January 17, 2008 at 11:10 am
    Don says:
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    Yes, Dave, it has been fun. Thanks for your comments.

    I just hope that you have a chance some day to experience the new Sacramento.


  • January 17, 2008 at 1:02 am
    Same Idiots says:
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    These are the same idiots that rush to buy a house in the area with questionable credit and then complain about the noise from the airport and traffic to/from the arena. I thought the airport and arena were there first….blooming idiots!!!

  • January 17, 2008 at 1:12 am
    Dave says:
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    1.Too close to Arnold S.
    2.Its a hick town.
    3.Lousy restaurants
    4.Lousy weather
    5.Bad real estate value
    6.The levee that’s about to bust open.
    7.The Sacramento Kings

  • January 17, 2008 at 2:14 am
    Same to ya, Dave says:
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    I think you just described the very place you live also.

  • January 17, 2008 at 4:08 am
    Don says:
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    Dave either has his tongue stuffed into his cheek, or is sadly ill informed. I have traveled to well over 100 countries, eaten in the world’s best restaurants, and have frequently attended the best performing arts venues in the world. Although I own condos in SF and other great cities, I still choose to keep my primary home in Sacramento. I stay in a condo when visiting to attend art events or to conduct business. But few cities in the world have the amenities of greater Sacramento. As just one example, Dave should attend an event at the UC Davis Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts (12 minutes from downtown Sacramento). It is one of the best such venues in the world (which I know from personal experience; e.g., opera and ballet in Moscow’s Bolshoi, as well as New York, Wash DC, Boston, London, Paris, Buenos Aires, Vienna, Milan, Sydney, etc., etc.). I will be seeing Itzhak Perlman (he is the world’s greatest violinist, for Dave) on this Fri, Jan 19, 2008, at the Mondavi center. Sacramento has numerous great restaurants, plenty of good places to shop, two-river access, a good night life, and many more reasons to live here.

    As for building homes in the Natomas flood bowl before the levees are repaired, I agree that a lot of different people were very stupid. This mostly includes the stupid developers and the stupid city officials that allowed it. These two groups should be made to personally pay the premiums for full coverage flood insurance until the levees are finished. Although the buyers share in the blame, it is more like school teachers giving away free hand grenades and then trying to avoid blame by saying that it was the parents’ fault for not properly training the kids when a grenade actually explodes. (City staff: “Yes, we approved of the zoning and all the building permits, but golly gee, who could have predicted that anyone would actually buy a house in such a dumb place?”)


  • January 18, 2008 at 10:51 am
    Why Dave's not coming back says:
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    Bet he crawled back under his rock, afraid to let us know what city he lives in so we can take our shots!

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