Colorado Bill Would Boost Penalties for Poor Insurance Carrier Conduct

By | April 28, 2008

  • May 8, 2008 at 5:40 am
    LEONARD L.Delgado says:
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    I have been injured many times while working at CMHIP and have had multiple surgeries. However now Colorado Workmans comp. Carrier Pennacol Assurance has denied (again) surgeries that have been recommended by several Doctor’s and are making me go to another Doctor,which only dose workmans comp cases and is just a regular physician although Pennacol Assurance has stated in their LETTER OF DENIAL, that I am to see A ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON. I was Injured in DEC.14,2006 while being attacked by a DOC patient at the Colorado Mental Health Hosptial,and again Pinnacol Assurance is PLAYING with my HEALTH and MENTAL well being.This is what this bill is I believe trying to accomplish and should be passed . Insurance co. should not be in the business of DENYING CARE but to help people get healthy and lead a productive life and not STALL care just too SAVE MONEY!They have stalled once allready on me once before for a much need back surgery to remove hardware that needed to come out of my back and by them STALLING I lost the nerve knee jerk to my RT knee. So PLEASE PASS this Law and make the INSURANCE Co. PAY for THEIR DELAY.

  • January 22, 2009 at 8:17 am
    Lance Measd says:
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    I have carpol tunnel I drive an automated trash truck with joystick on leftside and pennacol inssurance denied my claim please support this bill

  • January 22, 2009 at 8:20 am
    lance Mead says:
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    my name is Lance Mead not Lance measd

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