Arizona’s Napolitano Signals She Won’t Step Down Soon as Governor

By | November 25, 2008

  • November 25, 2008 at 1:39 am
    Baxtor says:
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    Homeland security? She’s against protecting Arizona’s border. She removed funding from the Sheriff’s office to stop illegal immigration and that was before the budget deficit. I really don’t see how that qualifies her for Homeland Security, unless you don’t want any security here Mr. Obama!
    Let’s see, she takes over a state with a budget surplus and within a few years, puts it in a deficit. Giving out free money for alternative fueled vehicles and wiping out our surplus. She’ll fit right in with Obama and the rest of the spending party. Remember everyone, Arizona was second only to Nevada in growth and also had a superbowl held there. Tons of money came in, but where did it all go Governor? I do know taxes, including sales taxes have gone up every year in Arizona. Isn’t a 9% sales tax enough governor?

  • November 25, 2008 at 5:00 am
    tsntyler says:
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    I think he ought to be looking at that AZ Sherrif that you hear all the stories about! What the heck does SHE know about Homeland Security!

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