Utah Opens Bars to Public, Increases Liability Coverage Requirements

By | March 11, 2009

  • March 11, 2009 at 12:50 pm
    About Time says:
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    what a mess. You had to go to a “speical area” fill out an application, pay $4.00 just to fill out the application then pay $8.00 for a beer while you are waiting to get on another plane to GET OUT OF UTAH. LOL

    But then again I live in TX and we use to have this stuff also. Getting better but still have “dry counties”

  • March 11, 2009 at 1:44 am
    Glad to be here says:
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    I guess my question is…why would you want to “get out of Utah”? We relocated here two years ago from the Northeast and could not be happier. Perfect weather, greatest snow on earth (we ski), all the recreation you could ever want,low cost of living, great economy and now no more private clubs. What more do you want? And as far as alcohol goes, it has never been a problem. Slight inconvenience maybe, but not a “mess”.

  • March 11, 2009 at 1:48 am
    Terrie Bee says:
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    It is the person who CANT wait to get out of Utah to have their beer that these laws are designed to work for. If you are willing to stand there and fill that out and pay that kind of money just to get a beer RIGHT NOW, you probably should seek help for the addiction.

    If I wanted a beer, I would wait til I got out of Utah. I wish more states would take a stand against drinking.

  • March 11, 2009 at 3:12 am
    laughable says:
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    Welcome to the 21st century. And I thought CT blue laws were bad. So you had to pay and fill out an application just to get into a bar to have a beer…that likely only had 3% alcohol anyway? Sounds like about as much fun as a scorching case of herpes.

  • March 11, 2009 at 3:47 am
    Mike says:
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    I thought thats what you had to put between your multiple wives so they didnt get jelous in bed.

  • March 11, 2009 at 4:12 am
    Maybe they are right says:
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    Drunk driving deaths in UT are the lowest in the nation on a percentage basis of auto deaths related to drinking. 22% of all auto related fatalities in UT are related to booze; only 1 other state was in the 20% range; gotta love TX where 45% of all auto deaths are caused by drinking. National average is 37%.

    So maybe they were right to restrict alcohol sales for so long.

  • March 12, 2009 at 12:44 pm
    Ralph says:
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    You can actually get a “Polygamy Porter” at the SLC Airport. Their slogans? “Why have just one?” and “Bring some home to the wives!!!”

    I LOVE UTAH!!!

  • March 12, 2009 at 1:03 am
    Mr. Obvoius says:
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    The low percentage of drunk driving deaths in Utah has more to do with the huge population of Mormons than it does the ability to get into a bar.

    Of course, Mormons do drink alcohol, but only when they are out of town.

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