Washington Bill Would Return Workers’ Comp Premiums Back To Employers

March 13, 2009

  • March 13, 2009 at 2:57 am
    Underwriter says:
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    Not sure about Washington but there are companies who do Retro however insureds and agents don’t understand how they work. I see very few accounts and agents that actually understand and can work these properly.

    Better of with dividend plans in my opinion.

  • March 13, 2009 at 6:33 am
    Washingtonian says:
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    The article did not give a full explanation. The monopolistic state fund has, due to a computer glitch, overpaid it’s retrospective members, the largest being a large non-union industry group program. That group has used some of the return to campaign, politically for business and conservative policies and people. Those in power (not conservatives) are taking advantage of the glitch to “require” the group to return any money (they want it to be retroactive, but that may not happen) to the businesses within the group instead of keeping some of it to fund their organization. This is 100% partisan politics couched as altruistic. This organization will fold if it does not have this money and will allow those currently in power to solidify the power.

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