California Insurance Commissioner Opposes Optional Federal Charter

March 16, 2009

  • March 16, 2009 at 3:16 am
    TJ says:
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    You have got to be kidding, CA Commissioner does not want federal invention in insurance regulation. State by state regulation at least for licensing and surplus lines is the biggest joke going. The CA Surplus Lines Association is an even bigger joke!! No two states are alike in neither handling nor regulation even the simple stuff like an application is a major production !! We would be better served if Bozo the clown ran these state departments. The states say they are doing a good job but that is laughable, they don’t enforce the existing rules especially when it comes to surplus lines licensing and out of state non licensed producers coming in the state. They can’t even get the surplus lines regulations what little there is evenly applied. All the commissioners want to do is protect their little kingdoms and fee the agents/producers/brokers to death. BIG JOKE all the way around.

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