Signs Around Los Angeles Beaches Warn of Tsunami Threat

April 20, 2009

  • April 20, 2009 at 1:04 am
    Howie Dune says:
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    Or so I saw on a sign in Imperial Beach.

    OK, admittedly it was being held by a rather scrufulous old fossil with three teeth, each pointing in a different direction, but the sign was clean.

    And I think her (him? herm? Pat’s?) prediction was just about as dependable or predictable as The Next Big Wave sign. Even if thousands of surfers don’t line up on the beach waiting for a ride to oblivion.

    What’s next? Deadly Geological Fault Zones in midtown NYC? Falling Rock Zone at the top of the Grand Canyon? Think of others and add to the pile.

    My second favorite was, and always will be, the signs that say Frost Heave. Right next to the Dairy Queen.

  • April 20, 2009 at 1:26 am
    Compman says:
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    You have got to love the experts comment: “A large local tsunami hitting on a summer afternoon with hundreds of thousands of people on Southern California beaches could cause Thailand-like devastation. This is why we rely on the signs,” said tsunami expert Costas Synolakis of the University of Southern California.

    Yep, that sign will protect us. I guess we are supposed to rip it off the post and use it as a surfboard.

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