Former State Fund Employee Tied to SoCal Serial Killings

May 1, 2009

  • May 1, 2009 at 9:09 am
    saramic says:
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    It is simply that State Fund has a great judge of character. Let him do to the injured worker and the medical providers legally, that which he has perfected illegally! Great choice SCIF!

  • May 1, 2009 at 9:17 am
    saramic says:
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    We’re back at ya! In the least, the inept judge of character is rather lacking by a quasi governmental entity. Happens that they are quite famous for same!

  • May 2, 2009 at 12:23 pm
    DJones says:
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    This guy is exactly like the BTK and Green River killers. Look how long they commited their crimes before getting caught. These kinds of criminals have the knack of blending in. I doubt seriously they would have found anything in a background check. That’s what is so shocking about this. As someone said earlier, “such a nice guy”, etc. How many times have we heard that?

  • May 1, 2009 at 12:52 pm
    Bread Harrity, CIC, ARM, CPCU says:
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    That sucks the dude killed people and was an evil raper dude. Dude, he also worked for SCIF for a long time.. WTF? Dude, I just don’t know what to say- serial rapers and killers are not cool,man.

  • May 1, 2009 at 1:04 am
    Jimbo says:
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    Great background check SCIF. Between this and you execs getting fired for kickbacks, looks like you have that stellar record still in tact. This has got to one of the most inept companies around.

  • May 1, 2009 at 1:17 am
    mm says:
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    I work in the building where he worked…but I am not a SCIF employee.

    Yesterday morning every copy of the LA Times at the cafe were bought up in like 15 min by SCIF employees.

    They were all talking about how shocked they were..”he was such a nice guy” etc.

    goes to show … you really never know a person. Interesting that the killings stopped when he got hired by SCIF.

    As for the comment about background checks…Back in 89, when he was hired, there likely were not any checks as that has only become common in the last 10 or so years.

  • May 1, 2009 at 1:26 am
    Jimbo says:
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    Actually there were background checks at SCIF at that time. As to the extent of them I don’t know. I worked at SCIF at that time and did some training of claims adjusters of which this guy was in some of the classes.

  • May 1, 2009 at 1:29 am
    InsGirl says:
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    All I can say is that this is so crazy.

  • May 1, 2009 at 2:23 am
    Former Adjuster says:
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    Insurance companies have had intense background checks since the 1960’s. When I started in the biz in the 80’s, the carrier even sent a postcard asking questions about me to one of our neighbors and they called my high school principal. Besides, the murders stopped as he got to do the same thing to SCIF policyholders, so why do it out on the streets?

  • May 1, 2009 at 6:06 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Jimbo – are you a blockhead, I mean seriously. WTF is a background check going to do in this case? I’ll tell you what – NOTHING!

  • May 6, 2009 at 10:47 am
    ART says:
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    Wasn’t he a registered sex offender. Isn’t that how they got his DNA? How does THAT not show up on a background check?

  • May 17, 2009 at 6:35 am
    tommy leary says:
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    i am an injured worker who is dyeing because of my injury. this is what i see and believe. those are the kind of employees state compensation insurance fund are looking for. scif kills injured workers all the time and knows how to destroy families. there good at what they do, i called the CEOs jan frank who by the way makes 450,000 dollars a year plus, they said she would contact me, she never did! so i went out to 6301 day rd in riverside ca, to protest. two scif employees a man and a women started yelling racemes remarks at me! and by the way everything Imo saying is true, so any way i call jan franks office again to let them know about what happen. i was in tears, this hurt me very much because i already lost almost everything i own due to state compensation insurance companies crooked lying ways. anyway they were yelling at me telling me why am i calling them. i told them because jan frank needs to start cleaning house, she said that was her job to give scif a new face lift. the office was laughing at me and told me to walk in there where Imo at and go complain. this made my blood presser go sky high, i felt short of breath,dizzy and my head started hurting real bad. so anyway i put my protest posters down and started to go into the scif building to take my meds and complain about what just happen with there scif employees when security started putting there hands on my chest and forcing and pushing out of the building. i never was so humileided in my life. security called the police. the police ask me what happen, so i told the officer what happen. the police officer took me to security and told them to leave me alone. that i had every right to enter that building because Imo disabled and it was a public place. i told the police officer that i did not want to do anything because he was just doing what his employer scif told him to do. to make a long story short, i just want to say that state compensation insurance fund needs to be put out of business and the higher ups need to be through in jail for fraud of the worst kind. i will never see my little girl grow up. and that hurts me very much.

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