California Motorcycle Collisions on the Rise

June 22, 2009

  • June 22, 2009 at 3:16 am
    Dread says:
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    Exactly what has to be done to get the attention of a cycle rider that traveling at high speeds on a congested CA highway should be taken seriously? The bad outcome for the 500 idiots who just didn’t get it is all the testimony needed. They should show of video of some human ground meat to everyone who applies for a motorcycle license. That way, there’d be no doubt they are aware and on notice of the consequences of negligent driving. Nothing more need be said. Driving a cycle is an assumption of risk. In a crash between a car and a motorcycle……always bet on the care. Telling drivers of cars to be more careful isn’t going to make a difference either. Motorcycles lack the protection a car provides. Sounds like a bad choice if you’re the less than 1% of vehicles on the road.

  • June 22, 2009 at 4:45 am
    Yocal Lokal says:
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    I have a thaught it is what it is! 1,200,000 riders that is a big number being that the state of California is upside down in cold hard cash and thinking of legalizing HEMP why dont we put it all on the table.Helmit LAW if it has to exsist so be it every person who rides and or has a licenz has to pay a fee anualy I think 100.00 is a good number that comes to about a BILLION and a QUARTER for the Golden state how about that.

  • June 22, 2009 at 6:34 am
    Math Major says:
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    Hey Yokal Lokal, 100 x 1.2 million is 120 million. Your math is off by 1.13 billion.
    Glad you are not in charge of our state budget….

  • June 23, 2009 at 10:56 am
    Jeff the Cynic says:
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    Sounds to me like Yocal Lokal is a card carrying member of the CA Legislature based on exhibited math and English skills.

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