California’s Poizner Urges No Iranian Investments

September 22, 2009

  • September 24, 2009 at 3:24 am
    Underwriter says:
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    I’m just amazed at the hubris of these mostly unqualified self-aggrandizing egomaniac insurance commissioners who think they know it all and need to have input into everything. His credentials, including his participation in creating the f…ed up Dept. of Homeland Security, are right after the California communists’ hearts, including his membership in the CFR (see last sentence of article), so no doubt he’ll be elected governor. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone publicly acknowledge membership in the Council on Foreign Relations, which says to me that it’s now OK, given that Obama is their puppet. I don’t know what’s worse among these self-styled despot insurance commissioners, this Obama junior or the totally incompentent, corrupt, and borderline illiterate one they elected in Delaware.

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