Washington Domestic Partner Law Goes Into Effect

December 3, 2009

  • December 3, 2009 at 12:33 pm
    Just Asking says:
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    Is a “State Registered Partner” like a registerd sex offender? Can you change your “Registered Partner” like every month or can you only have on a year? Does the Registerd Partner have to be a human or can it be something else? Also when you register a partner is are a tag they have to wear?

    Why not let the insurance companies deside who is a partner. In my state you don’t have to register with the state. Domestic partners can be on a PC policy already. Government trying to force something on people never works.

  • December 3, 2009 at 1:09 am
    Aristotle says:
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    What happens when gays and lesbians decide to take on multiple partners? Are they all going to be insured under one policy? Are there any laws banning poligamy for gays and lesbians? If they aren’t married, is it poligamy in the first place? In a gay relationship, which one goes to school with the son for Father’s Day activities? Which one goes with the daughter for Mother’s Day activities? What frame of reference do gays have to teach their daughters about menstruation, make-up, and sex with men? What frame of reference do lesbians have to teach their sons about masturbation, sex with women, sports? Will all this lead to gay cloning? Calling all gays and lesbians: please respond to the above.

  • December 3, 2009 at 1:28 am
    Henry says:
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    Wow! Some fairly stupid questions. You should be proud of yourself! I wonder how single moms / dads handle the topics you mention. Aristotle you are not.

  • December 3, 2009 at 1:45 am
    Marie says:
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    Henry: You make a point about single parents, but the questions raised by Aristotle are still valid and not at all stupid. Since you’re so damn smart and think the questions are so stupid, I challenge you to explain why. Regardless, what are your answers to them?

  • December 3, 2009 at 2:08 am
    Henry says:
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    Well, Marie, if you read my post again, you will see I said SOME fairly stupid questions, not ALL. SOME were stupid, SOME were valid. Do I need to explain that further?

    If you are going to call me out, make sure you are in the right. Now please, go back to scratching yourself and sniffing your finger. That is about all you seem to be qualified for.

  • December 3, 2009 at 2:55 am
    Tarique says:
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    You’re a real class act Henry. Judging by your vocabulary you must idolize Larry the Cable Guy. I take it you cannot respond to the questions. Since it’s the gays and lesbians that WANT equal recognition, it’s only fair for them to answer the questions their actions created. For every action there is a reaction, and for every right there is a responsibility. History will decide just how successful same sex “marriages” (not) are compared to their legitimate husband-wife counterparts.

  • December 3, 2009 at 3:14 am
    Henry says:
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    Another valid point, Tarique. Thanks for bringing that up. Heterosexual marriages are so succesful that they should be the benchmark to compare all marriages. What is the most recent statistics on divorce? Something like 40%? Yeah, that’s great. Something to tell your kids to strive for. 60% success rate. What a goal!

    Since equal recognition is so unjust, should we legalize slavery? Refuse women the right to vote?

  • December 3, 2009 at 4:25 am
    JM says:
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    If you don’t want to answer the question, just say so.

  • December 3, 2009 at 4:26 am
    wudchuck says:
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    interesting, how laws keep changing with society. we each have our own opinions to how we believe a marriage/spouse is supposed to work. it’s a very touchy issue. marriage: was initially defined by the religious realms becuase of the relationship man and woman were supposed to have. but remember, it was designed by how our society percieves ideas. marriage was also the avenue to procreate the human race, whereas the other avenue, could have a family but would have to have a child by other means. thus creates a dilemna about how we view things. where do we create a line of equality w/o breaking the view of the few vs the many? do i believe that these relationships should hold and be true? i think i will let a higher authority make that decision, even though i might have morales that think differently. it’s like drawing a line in grey and yet, managed to walk over it and create a new line.

  • December 4, 2009 at 7:27 am
    Henry says:
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    Ok. One more time, slowly, so you can understand. Some questions were stupid, some questions were valid.

    What am I supposed to answer? How lesbian partners are going to teach their son about masturbation? I have no idea. Do you? Does it matter? I don’t even recall having that conversation with my own father. I don’t expect my wife to have that conversation with my daughters. Is that the valid question I am supposed to answer? The economy sucks. Men and women are dying on foreign soil for questionable reasons. Swine flu is killing people. And you are concerned with masturbation. Your priorities are messed up.

    And if you want to discriminate against people for ridiculous reasons… hey, that’s your call. Just try to keep your narrow minded opinions to yourself.

  • December 4, 2009 at 7:47 am
    Theresa says:
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    All rise for judge – MENTAL. You have some serious anger management dude. You must be the smartest man in the world. And maybe if your father had the masturbation talk you wouldn’t be so irritable.

  • December 4, 2009 at 8:30 am
    Henry says:
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    This is fun! If you say I have anger management issues because I have zero tolerance for bigotry, I am not concerned. What is more disturbing is that you people see no problem with the questions posed by aristotle. There are more important issues in the world than addressing how a lesbian will teach her son to masturbate.

    Take your hate and intolerance elsewhere.

    Just out of curiosity, do you vocalize your bigotry in public, or are you a coward and only spew your hate anounmously through the internet?

  • December 4, 2009 at 8:55 am
    Sammy says:
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    Talk about an arrogant self-righteous, pompous _ss. You are one of those pitiful souls who always has to have the last word. Well guess what? I’m deleting the IJ following this post and won’t ever see whatever verbal diahrrea you have to spew. Go feed whatever wierd animals you have running around in that zoo in your head. Have nice life……..JERK.

  • December 4, 2009 at 9:19 am
    Henry says:
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    I can’t believe I am taking a beating for defending people who chose to live their lives differently from the majority of us. Granted, the beating is coming from bigots, but still, it’s disappointing that people who call themselves insurance “professionals” would have such childish / immature thoughts. But I will give Sammy this. I too am deleting this so I no longer have to read your hate.

    Henry out.

  • December 4, 2009 at 10:02 am
    ren says:
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    I have to agree with Henry. Why is everyone so full of hate and bigotry?

  • December 4, 2009 at 5:17 am
    Brandy says:
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    What happens when gays and lesbians decide to take on multiple partners?
    The same thing would happen with gays/lesbians as it would the married couples of the world. Nothing. If you are married, you are supposed to only have one partner and if you decide to bring someone else into that marriage only the one listed on the marriage certificate will be insured and/or recognized for any type of benefits. The domestic partners listed on the certificate is who will be capable of receiving benefits.

    Are they all going to be insured under one policy? Once again, as with marriage, the only ones that are covered are the ones listed on the domestic partnership certificate.

    Are there any laws banning poligamy for gays and lesbians? Polygamy is defined as multiple marriages. Since domestic partnership in Washington State is “everything but marriage”, it would not apply. The only ones that will be able to receive benefits are the ones listed on the domestic partnership certificate.

    If they aren’t married, is it poligamy in the first place? No, it would not. See above answer.

    In a gay relationship, which one goes to school with the son for Father’s Day activities? If I am not mistaken a father can have a son or a daughter but in any case, a father does not have to be the one that created a child. As long as he is part of that child’s life and acts in a fatherly way (Stepfather) the child usually accepts the man as a fatherly figure. I would assume that if the child felt that way, he would want both men to go to the Father’s Day activity.

    Which one goes with the daughter for Mother’s Day activities? Again, I am pretty sure mothers can have a son or daughter. In my own personal case, I am the other mother and my partner’s children have accepted me as a motherly figure, which makes me so proud, and want me to attend all of their events alongside their birth mother. Their father is in Japan and has only been to see them 3 times in the past 8 years so, yeah, I think they don’t have much of a problem accepting a person that loves them and wants to be part of their lives. And, yes, they are old enough to know what is going on. They are now 25 and 21.

    What frame of reference do gays have to teach their daughters about menstruation, make-up, and sex with men? I’m assuming that you are talking about gay men here. Jokingly, I would have to say that gay men would be really good teachers of how to have sex with men. LOL! On a more serious note, I do understand how this is a valid question. The really cool thing about the world is that most people come together as a community and have friends and family that they can turn to when they need help with their children. If a gay man is having a hard time discussing a “female” issue with his daughter, he would have a plethora of friends/family willing and ready to jump in and help out.

    What frame of reference do lesbians have to teach their sons about masturbation, sex with women, sports? Again, lesbians would be the perfect person to tell a young man how to make love to a woman. lol. The same as I wrote above about gay men is true about lesbian women. We have so much support and love from our friends/family that I would never hesitate to call one of them for help. As for sports, there are many, many coaches, athletes, etc that are women now. I don’t know how old you are but we have started playing a lot of the same sports that men play. Please, if you have any other questions, let me know. Thanks for trying to understand and get the answers. Have a wonderful day!

  • December 7, 2009 at 7:53 am
    Little Richard says:
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    Henry obviously has a personal interest at stake here. I think he plays for the other team hence his defensiveness. It’s OK Henry, continue to delude yourself into thinking homosexual relationships are normal. You’re a great advocate for the cause.

  • January 5, 2010 at 11:57 am
    kelular says:
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    finally, Brandy! someone with some sense and logic. I was starting to feel really bad for the world and the people in it. The rest of the posts, (should i say readers vs. henry) have an aggressive fear. The times are changing, the younger generation is fueled by acceptance and its empowering. Please feel free to open your mind any day now and give love a chance. Im not talking about romance or sex here. Love for one another. Love for yourself. Smile. Breathe. Live. Love.

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