Arizona Mulls Shutting Insurance Fraud Unit

By | December 18, 2009

  • December 18, 2009 at 12:49 pm
    Frustrated... says:
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    Arizona insurance fraud unit removal will open the door for increased fraud, which drives 30% of the cost already. This fits into a big picture.
    1 Fraud goes up.
    2 Prices of PnC insurance goes up
    3 Company profits go down.
    4 Profit seeking companies leave the state.
    5 Competition decreases
    6 Fed govt provides ins. for all

    The other option is to find the root cause of the issue: Obamanomics and fear/ reality of increased taxes. The govt’s big spending is breaking the states!
    1 Increased Federal taxes limits public spending…
    2 Decreased spending limits sales tax income.
    3 Decreased sales tax prevents states from meeting budget.
    4 State services are cut.
    5 Good people are laid off.
    6 Crime goes up due to fewer services keeping us safe.
    7 Obama and his socialists spend more money and still no improvement.
    8.Fed govt takes over more business
    7 Our only hope is that people are fed up and a Tea Party type movement wins in 2010 and 2012 elections….

  • December 18, 2009 at 1:56 am
    anon the mouse says:
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    Isn’t it ironic that during a period when insurance fraud is on the increase secondary to faultering economies, Arizona would to choose to eliminate their Fraud Unit? History has shown that this type of irony is always in the camps of the liberals. For example at the beginning of WWII when all of the indicators were grossly evident that Germany was on the path to full armed conflict will all of its neighbors, Denmark slashed their military funding. Now there is a country at a time of need that circumvented the need for so many of their countrymen and soldiers to follow the French lead in surrendering.

  • December 18, 2009 at 3:30 am
    Expert says:
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    My experience has been that many of the so-called “fraud units” are themselves the perpetration of a fraud on the public, whether the unit is one within and insurance company’s claims office, or one in the Department of Insurance, or Attorney General’s office. Shut them down and everyone will save huge amounts of money – taxpayers as well as policyholders.

  • December 18, 2009 at 3:59 am
    LARRY LOGIC says:
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  • December 21, 2009 at 7:51 am
    Renee says:
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    They just don’t get it. They view anti-fraud efforts as discretionary while their bloated government continues to amble along un-scathed by economic horrors. What will their constituents say when their insurance rates blow up? This is precisely what’s killing this country. A bunch of morons who know nothing about priorities.

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