Matson, Norris, Hall and Hayes Join Wholesale Trading Co-Op

September 13, 2010

  • September 13, 2010 at 7:23 am
    clevelandGuy says:
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    oh my g-d, they found 4 people who had to make a change and have nothing to lose. I guess with a recession finding 4 people isnt that tough.

    this is a complete greed more. Retailers “join ” up shove all their wholeslae business thru captive wholelsaler to maxiumize comission and IF it get big sell it off. Smell private equity = short term

    For those that put the Insured first will always win— might be old fashion but its true as the day is light. Too bad everyone doesnt get it

  • September 14, 2010 at 12:42 pm
    LOL says:
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    You have a poor attitude and nobody likes you.

    These four have nothing to lose? They don’t have families and mortgages and retirement funds? You’re complaining that they may someday “sell it off” for a short-term gain? God forbid somebody should combine his balls w/ his brains and turn it into a buck. Enjoy the middle class, Guy.

    And this is a complete greed move? Good guess, jacka$$.

  • September 16, 2010 at 10:52 am
    merry weather says:
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    greed is not good for insureds. I have too much faith in independent insurance agencies who work hard for their clients to fall for this pig in the sky approach.

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