Study: Despite Rules, Surgery Mistakes Continuing

By Catherine Tsai | October 20, 2010

  • October 20, 2010 at 9:41 am
    anon the mouse says:
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    Let’s see, We made it against the law to operate on the wrong patient (didn’t work), We called it an Insurance problem (didn’t work). Let’s have a new law against stupidity, (might not work). Let’s call an Ace an Ace, America’s educational system that feeds our nursing and medical schools poorly prepared grist continue to turn out poor graduates. Couple that with a degradation of American individual values and you have exactly what you pay for. But wait, we can solve this with federalizing insurance!! Come on America, try this: stand with your feet 18″ apart, bend forward at the waist, reach down and back between your legs and (by feel) locate your ears, briskly stand up straight with a vigorous pull on your ears. That loud noise you hear will but the chiropractic maneuver to correct craniorectumitis.

  • October 20, 2010 at 12:57 pm
    Still All Together says:
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    I have had eye surgery on my right eye on two occasions with two different doctors and both took a felt marker and put an “X” on my forehead above the correct eye prior to surgery and then the nurse also checked it to make sure it was on the correct side! Measure twice; cut once!!

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