Calif. Regulator Urges Gov.-Elect Brown to Preserve Workers’ Comp Reforms

December 31, 2010

  • January 1, 2011 at 4:50 am
    joshter says:
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    Mr.Poizner; what would you do if you hurt yourself with a 190 pounds ladder and not able to go back to work due to herniated discs in the neck and the lower back and rotator cuff problems.Now,i’m married with two children;and you want to keep us suffering? the insurance takes its sweet time to aprove something to be done to us injured workers and by doing that they send us to depression,more pills that eat up our i need a cane or crutches to walk,do you want to keep us begging for our rights to live as a human beings? we want to go back to work but how? if i can’t go back to work what is gonna happen to my family and to me? think!!!!!!!

  • January 2, 2011 at 1:04 am
    diane johnson says:
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    isnt it bad enough already when it takes decades for the injured to get thru the legal nightmare to medical help. Those permanantly disabled are surviving on sub poverty levels, and now regulators who know nothing about medicine making life and death medical decisions. thats as bad as the insurance cartel choosing the doctor and the hearings officers etc. theres genocide going on in AmeriKa already. iris

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