Sacramento Approves ‘Crash Tax’

By | January 27, 2011

  • January 27, 2011 at 2:00 pm
    wudchuck says:
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    i can see this headed to court. because the burden is not fair, for the residents who may have caused the accident are not being charged for any responses.

  • January 27, 2011 at 2:12 pm
    Caldude says:
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    In other news, Sacramento has trademarked its name and will be enforcing a ten cent charge for its use. Said Mayor Kevin Johnson, “I know it sounds silly, but why not. I mean, take us to court. Were broke anyway so what the f$%*.

    Back to you Bill.

  • January 27, 2011 at 2:14 pm
    bye bye sacto says:
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    Check this city off of the “places I want to see” list.
    As the state amd local communites go fishing for more revenue we are going to have to start spending or money in cities that don’t penalize us for living here.
    Someone needs to start a website so we can all make informed decisions as to which government entity we need to avoid.
    As we drive into these cities that have these money sucking actions, will they “warn” us of their actions as we cross their city lines?

  • January 27, 2011 at 2:36 pm
    Bhlars says:
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    Just one more reason why I won’t vacation in Sacramento. Bet hizoner never got that far in his thought processes to think about that consequence.
    Just aim that a little lower…….yeah, first the right foot………….

  • January 27, 2011 at 2:42 pm
    wudchuck says:
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    oh, would it be ok for us to charge a sacramento resident if he is involved in an accident while in another city? don’t think that will happen….

  • January 27, 2011 at 2:53 pm
    sips says:
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    What a morally backrupt city in a financially bankrupt state. Now they will charge out-of-towners a tax if they need emergency services. Well, city council member, we already pay for crap in your city through the federal funds you receive. In the past 18-24 months, just a few examples: Sac Housing & Redevelopment Authority misused millions of the $18.6M they received from the feds (OUR MONEY) to rebuild their slum housing. Sorry – I should be more PC – funds which were meant to revitalize areas blighted by the foreclosure crisis; Sac received $310,000 in federal grants (OUR MONEY) for a plan to study streetcar routes; Sac Regional office of Homeland Security received $3M in funds to shore up their operation, much of which will trickle down to the local economy; Sac County received $870,000 from the feds (OUR MONEY) to assist 5,000 county residents living with HIV/AIDS. This is just a small fraction of what the feds (OUR MONEY) have given to Sac, and now they’re going to hit you again after a misfortune. Much of the federal funds (OUR MONEY) will free up local tax dollars to pay for emergency services, so in effect, we’re already paying for many local service via federal funds (OUR MONEY). Boycott Sacramento until this unfair action is repealed.

  • January 27, 2011 at 4:16 pm
    Tom says:
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    I hope it passes. We can then re-vist and substantiate the California school voucher program which failed a few years ago.

  • January 27, 2011 at 4:58 pm
    CalDude says:
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    Appearing Friday night at the Memorial Theater: CRASH TEST DUMMIES!

  • January 28, 2011 at 9:56 am
    Mr. Obvious says:
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    Pretty typical for anything coming out of California. Let’s not clean up the scum and corrupt of the city let’s just try to take it out once again on others. First of all, Sacramento is a hole so there is no reason to visit anyway so it will pretty much be other bankrupt Californians that will be footing the bill. If we could only cut off that drain on the country and push it out to sea. If only…

  • February 8, 2011 at 6:05 pm
    Jon Q. Public says:
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    It’s pure unadulterated nonsense. Perhaps cities should pass a crash tax solely aimed at residents of Sacramento. That works for me!

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