Calif. Returns Workers’ Comp to ‘Bad Ole Days’

By Don Barthel | June 27, 2011

  • June 28, 2011 at 10:40 am
    Brent McGillis says:
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    Bad Ol’ Days? Depends which side of the fence you are on, now doesn’t it? It does not matter anyways, the ever creative Abusive WCB Claims Managers here in Alberta ensure that your appeal will never ever reach a court room or an appeals board by using their very own “Creative” methods of blocking your appeal.
    So don’t be so quick to judge, when Workers Compensation Boards across America continue to “PLAY” with the rules in order to refuse legitimate claimants from ever recieving a fair hearing or “DUE PROCESS”!
    These are the true facts, in what has become a North American embarassment to the system that was set up to “HELP” injured workers recieve proper relevant timely medical treatments and medications. What it has turned into is a money laundering operation for corporations, and an evil tool of endless torment for abusive claims managers and supervisors who recieve huge bonuses for maltreating seriously injured workers.
    Patrick Clayton realized there is only one way to properly file a WCB appeal. And he is probably looking at 10yrs federal time.

  • June 28, 2011 at 1:51 pm
    GL GURU says:
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    Bad Ol’ Days is right on the money! Carriers were leaving because of the lunacy in the WC market. The new law brought sanity to it and carriers came back. You are going to see an exit now and rates increase. Guess who pays? The tax payer, businesses and people truely injured.

  • June 28, 2011 at 1:55 pm
    GL GURU says:
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    And furthermore, yeah there are abusive claim handlers out there. they are the minority. Most claims people don’t get big fat bonuses. On the contrary a lot of the bonus money goes to the distribution channel. I am not saying that is wrong just pointing it out. There are more bad claimants than there are bad claim handlers. I see it every day!

  • June 29, 2011 at 2:28 pm
    CA Claims Mgr says:
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    The truly infuriating (and sad) thing is, the manipulation and greed is so pervasive in SoCal’s WC system that it’s status quo to judges, attorneys and physicians. It is not the claimants that get rich from the abuse in the system, it is the people behind the curtain that enable the abuse to occur. There are things that can be done and implemented to curtail this abuse without going down a slippery slope of denying claimants their rightful benefits. But the lobby and interests behind attorneys and physicians is so storng that reasonable reform doesn’t occur.

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