Wyoming Guides, Outfitters Question Liability Insurance

August 27, 2012

  • August 27, 2012 at 4:21 pm
    sips says:
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    This is just another step by the current administration to lock out Americans from the rightful use of OUR public lands. Sec of the Interior Ken Salazar has been on a campaign, with POTUS mandate, to close as much land as possible. He’s been turning OUR lands into national monuments, denying drilling and mining claims, shutting down existing roads from vehicle use, and imposing frivilous restrictions making it more difficult to promote sound economic growth. They don’t want us to be able to develop natural mineral, agricultural, and fossil fuel resources, but instead want to promote tourism – makes us not a nation of producers, but rather a nation of shopkeepers, burger flippers, and trinket sellers. We started down a terribly slippery slope with this administration from their first day on the job and now it’s time to get them the hell out of office in November and regain this country and our rights!

  • August 28, 2012 at 4:21 pm
    David Weibel says:
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    Right on! This administration has put this country on a path to destruction and if re-elected, will continue his dirty work until most of the nation is on food stamps and completely dependenton the government. Capitolism and free enterprise is all but dead with Obama in office. Just goes to show the ignorant liberals that one should be actually “qualified” for the position of President of the United States, it is not a learn-as-you-go proposition!!!!

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