Ashland Gun Club Insurance Dispute with Lloyd’s

August 28, 2012

  • August 28, 2012 at 2:26 pm
    mccluney says:
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    Should be no surprise. Insurance companies do not cover “all-risks”

  • August 28, 2012 at 6:46 pm
    Colbie McRae says:
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    Wow. Interested in seeing how this one concludes. Keep us updated.

  • August 29, 2012 at 4:05 pm
    KK says:
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    Not surprising – Ashland is worse than Eugene, Oregon on the liberalism rating. I would guess this is a play to run the business out of Ashland.

  • August 30, 2012 at 3:22 pm
    County Line says:
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    The PROA (People’s Republic of Ashland) is so Leftist and intolerant of others, even slightly to the right of them, that there is virtually no political scale able to measure them. And as is common knowledge, such folks have made it their mission to eradicate firearms and our rights to own and legally use them. The exception, of course, is if THEY happen to have one for their own protection….then their intended ban is to apply to everyone else.

    This lawsuit is just another attempt to nibble away at the edges of legal firearms ownership. The end game will continue until law abiding citizens have no ownership rights left. Then only criminals who don’t care what the law says will have their way with you and your children when we law abiding folks have nothing left in our hands to equalize the criminal threat. Thanks so very much, all you Leftists. May you be the first sheep to fall to the criminal wolves.

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