Skywalk Developer Asks Court To Enforce $28M Award

September 14, 2012

  • September 14, 2012 at 6:46 pm
    Screw 'em says:
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    Go in & get all your stuff back!!!

  • September 14, 2012 at 7:37 pm
    Baxtor says:
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    People don’t understand in this country that our states have given way to much diplomacy to our Native friends. Now when something happens on their land, we cannot do anything about it. But if they need welfare or anything, we give it to them. Same with medical, and yet charge them zero for taxes. But yet people run to their casinos and give them even more money. We need to be united as one country so stuff like in this article don’t happen. Sorry buddy but it looks like you built a $30 million dollar sky walk for the tribe and it didn’t cost them a cent. Lesson learned I hope for other developers.

    • September 17, 2012 at 6:01 pm
      Andrew Jackson says:
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      Baxtor – You and I must be long lost relatives – screw them natives! It’s not like the US Goverment stole their land, desimated their numbers, and moved them onto the worst land america had to offer, and consistantly lied and cheated throughout every phase of “diplomacy”.

      I just don’t understand why they continue to fear the american legal process…

      • September 18, 2012 at 11:32 am
        Baxtor says:
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        Hmmm, and why do countries have wars? To win the land and give it back to the people? No, they fight and keep what they won. Name one other country that has taken land from their Native people and then given them some back? What happens is they adapt to the people that took it over? Is it right? No. But is it life? Yes. I guarantee if Iran had the capability to take us over, they wouldn’t give us any land. We’d be lucky to be alive, let alone to live with them. But I hope you see my point. I didn’t take this land and neither did you. So we need to unite and all live as one. One last point, based on your reasoning, we should give every African-American free tax breaks, land, welfare, military and police protection, and their own casinos. They weren’t brought here by their own will Andrew. At some point we just need to say sorry and move on!

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